Target Practice

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Later that day I got to play MarioKart with Clint whilst eating pop tarts and naturally I won because I'm awesome broskis.

"How did you beat me?!" He cried dramatically and I just smirked.

"I dunno it was kinda easy, you should brush up on your skills, I bet even dad could beat ya" I said and he looked like someone just kicked (it autocorrected to 'licked' and I'm in German class rn and trying not to laugh my ass off) his dog.

"That's my boy!" Dad said with a grin and I rolled my eyes slightly in amusement.

"Who are you? That dude from Harry Potter?" I scoffed jokingly.

"Did you just call him Professor Slughorn?" Clint asked in amusement.

"Yup" I shrugged.

"So rude am I right" Dad said shaking his head in mock-offence.

"Hey I've got a question" I said whilst sitting upside-down on the sofa.

"No" is all that he said.

"I didn't even ask it yet!" I protested with a laugh.

"It's either gonna be really dumb or you asking if you can go to school for the 5th time this weeks and it's only Tuesday" he said and I gave a small pout.

"But hear me out, what if I change my last name and promise that I'll act like a normal kid?" I said and he shook his head.

"No Peter, anything could happen to you, HYDRA is still out there, if they find out you're alive they could use you to get to me and quite frankly I don't want my son to be kidnapped and probably tortured by a bunch of Nazis" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"But you go out and do avenger stuff that's like 10x more dangerous!" I argued and he sighed.

"I'm sorry Pete but I can't risk it, plus you have those online classes, it's nothing you wouldn't have learned at an actual school" he said and I gave a small sigh.

"It's not the same" I said sadly.

"Fuck, don't you dare" he said knowingly, I've mastered the art of guilt tripping him, all I have to do is send him puppy eyes and say something like 'don't you love me' something along those lines anyway.

"Don't you want me to be happy?" I asked with huge doe eyes.

"How bout a club, you can make friends there and just say you're homeschooled" he tried to reason and I ponder it for a quick minute.

Well it would be fun, and the only reason I wanna go to school is to make friends, sooo why not right?

"Okay!" I agreed with a wide grin and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"You're gonna be the death of me" he muttered under his breath.


I decided that I'd take a tour of the whole tower and see if there's any cool rooms.

I was just walking out of a boring gym when I had the idea to ask FRIDAY for any ideas.

"Hey Fri, is there any cool places in the tower where I can have fun?" I asked with an excited glint in my eyes as I looked up to the ceiling.

"Well Baby Barnes" she started, really? Baby Barnes? I'm not a baby!

"There's a swimming pool on the 73rd floor, a shooting/archery range on the 74th, a games room on the 75th, an arts and crafts room on the 76th, a music room on the 77th and a home cinema on the 78th, all of these on the east wing of the building" she replies and I grin.

Scratch the swimming pool option because I don't have a bathing suit, sad times. Though I'll do the other things!

What should I do first though? Eh I'll just do em in order!

I bounce over to the elevator and ask Fri to bring me to the 74th floor, which she does.

That elevator is like a tardis, that might not make sense to you but it does to me!

Anygays the doors open and I walk out onto the 74th floor, its so big!

At one side is like a whole shooting range and the other side an archery range, then at the front bit there's the weapons n stuff! I don't think I'm allowed to be here but oh well!

I go to the firearm rack and choose out a weapon, should I choose a rifle or a handgun? Eh I can do both but what to do first is the real question.

Let's go for the handgun first, a glock 26 or a P226? Let's go with the P226, I feel like it's more cleaner and better for my frame... I'm not small, I'm average height for my age! Well nearly anyway!

I set up a blank target at the far side of the wall then go back over behind the glass and then put on ear defenders, I don't bother with the protective glasses, I cant be arsed. 

I then aim and shoot, 5 in the chest and 3 in the head, I'm cool as fuck boissss, my aim is impeccable if I do say so myself. 

Half way through my lil shooting sesh I get a bit... carried away, by that I mean pretending I'm on missions and imitating what the bad guys are saying, as well as making Roblox worthy dead sounds for every time I shoot em. 

I had the most fun when I whipped out a rifle, it was so fucking fun, though sadly didn't last long because I went a bit crazy. 

I probably should've gotten rid of the destroyed pretend bad guys but I'm too lazy as you all know, so I just went straight to trying out a bow. 

I'm not going to bore you with how the archery sesh went because it was literally just like with the gun except I pretended to be Merida from brave, my Scottish accent is amazing by the way, (as a Scottish person I'm here to say that his accent was horrible) wow, the author is mean, am I right?

Aaaanyways, now that I've finished here it's time to move onto the next activity! Games room here I come! 



Word Count: 1030

- mayaaa ✌🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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