1: The Past & Operation Runaway

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Hello! Welcome to the first chapter of On The Run! I hope you enjoy this story! :D

TW- Mention of Abuse, Insomnia, dead body, and Angst 


Tubbo POV - 

He couldn't sleep. Ever since 'that' night, he has been having trouble sleeping. Especially with that demon watching over him. It follows him everywhere, he could only see it at night though. The demon has been nicer than before ever since it found out about the abuse Tubbo's parents give him. 

Tubbo sat in the middle of his room playing UNO with his demon. He smiled a genuine smile. He was happy that he has someone to talk to, happy that someone decided to spend time with him. He then remembered to start packing for the escape. 

Like normal, he didn't sleep. He checked the time. It was 3:40 am. He knew that he needed to leave the house at 4:00 am. He and his friend Tommy decided that it was time that they leave their abusive home. 

Tommy's home was mentally abusive towards him. They sometimes hit him. Tubbo's Family was way different though. They were both Mentally and Physically abusive. (Except for the sibling's ofc. Why would Lani ever do such a thing?!) 

Tubbo began to pack his valuables. He was lucky that the night prior he withdraw the rest of his money from his bank account. He took the cash from his drawer and put it into his wallet. He put the wallet into the Bee backpack. After packaging everything he needed like clothes, food, money, shoes, and his electronics. 

(In this AU they don't stream because their parents don't let them) He looked at the clock. It read 3:50 am. He had to get going. He put his shoes on, looked around the now empty room that had nothing but furniture and sheets on his bed. He double-checked to see if he forgot anything and he remembered the secret hideout. 

He opened his empty closet and opened the door attached to his closet. He took his bag and noticed the huge amount of space in his bag. He started to think he was Mary Poppins. 

He went around the entire room taking things like photos, more food, more money, and lastly the Family portrait. He looked at the frame and carefully put it into his bag. He looked around the now empty room and left. Once he got back into his room only two minutes had passed. He adjusted the backpack onto himself and looked at himself in the mirror. 

He remembers when he first entered this room. His 6-year-old self laughed with his mother who used to play with him. He stopped. He didn't want to think about it. He walked over to the window and opened it. 

Before jumping out he looked at the Demon he had ever since he was little. The Demon waved bye and said. "I had a good time with you...Tubbo" He almost cried. It was the last time he would see his Demon. 

The Demon once said that if Tubbo were to run away, it would go back to where it came from. Tubbo took that into consideration. He looked at the floor and saw two bandannas. The Demon left it with a note. 

He walked away from the window and over to the bandannas and note. The bandannas were Green and Red. The Red one said "Tubbo" and the Green one said "Tommy" in purple stitches. He looked at the note and read it. 

"Dear Tubbo, 

It is me, your Demon. When you first arrived you reminded me of the old kid I used to scare. His name was Deo. Deo was a nice kid with a bright future. Until one day he got into a car accident and died the next day. You reminded me of him, he was always so cheerful and he was never afraid of me. Instead, he wanted to hang out with me. I knew one day you would leave to find a better life. I don't mind. Although I'll never be able to come back to this room.  I still will have memories of my time with both you and Deo. I wanted to give you these  bandannas  because they are a sign of friendship and Deo loved bandannas. The purple stitches come from Deo's friend that was named Ranboo. Ranboo should be your age. If Deo was still alive, he would be your age as well. Please stay safe for me Tubbo. People say Demons don't have hearts. But I do. And I want you to understand my concern for you. I hope that the time you spend with Tommy will be better than this horrible place where you felt pain, happiness, sadness, etc. Please live a good life Tubbo and never forget me. I know that I will never forget you. My Dearest Friend. 

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