Chapter 7 - The return of the Demon/Angel

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Hi my readers! It's time for chapter 7! Lets start ey?


Drista sat down at the desk and started reading. Drista was a bit shocked at the amount of information she was currently getting. 

If like a tiger, Phil came into the room and noticed Drista reading a book. "Hey Drista!" Said Phil. 

Drista jumped at the sudden greeting and waved back. "Hello Phil!" 

"What book are you reading?" Asked Phil. "Oh! It's called 'How to survive in Hardcore Mode', why?" Replied Drista. 

Phil's eyes widened as he snatched the book away from the girl. "Hey! What was that for?!" Yelled Drista. "Nope. Can't read that one, sorry mate." Replied Phil. 

Drista sighed as she went to go look for a different book. She saw one labeled, 'Builds'. She looked back at Phil. "What about this book?" Asked Drista. 

Phil looked at the title and nodded his head. Drista grinned and started to read the book. Hours passed and Phil watched as the girl read the books from the shelf. The ones she was aloud to read of course. 

Phil was amused by the amount of books she was reading. He checked the clock on the wall. It read 3:40 am. 

"Alright Drista, I think that's enough reading today. You need to sleep. It's 3:40 am." Said Phil. Drista looked up from the book and looked at the clock. "Okay" She replied. 

Drista and Phil picked up the books and put them back onto the shelf. Drista yawned and went into bed. She turned off the lamp and fell asleep instantly after hitting the pillow. 

Phil smiled and left the room. 


Tubbo woke up to the sound of music coming from the other side of the room.  He figured it was Wilbur playing his guitar. He stayed in bed for a moment before getting up to go make breakfast.

Tubbo waved at Wil before going downstairs to make breakfast. He checked the clock and it read. 8:00 am. 

Tubbo grabbed some eggs and pancake batter. He started to cook. While cooking, Tubbo's mind wondered off to the paralysis demon that he used to have. 

He wondered how the demon or Angel was doing. He hoped that he could see them again one day. Tubbo served the eggs and pancakes before going to get the orange juice from the fridge.

Tubbo set the table before going upstairs to wake up Tommy and Drista. Tubbo went to Tommy's room first. he knocked on the door and opened it. 

He noticed that Tommy was already up and on his phone. "Tommy, breakfast is ready. I'm going  to go wake up Drista." Tubbo said. 

Tommy nodded and got up. Tubbo made his way to Drista's room, passing by Techno. He waved a good morning to Techno who just responded with a nod. 

At this point, Tubbo thought it was normal to have ghosts in the house. Tubbo knocked on Drista's door. "Dris! Time to wake up. Breakfast is ready!" Tubbo yelled. 

He heard shuffling coming from the other side. Drista opened the door and nodded walking past Tubbo. 

Tubbo went back downstairs to eat breakfast. After breakfast, he told Tommy to do the dishes since Drista did them yesterday and he did them the day before. 

Tubbo went back up to his room and saw Wilbur waiting for him. "Oh, hey Wil! what's up?" Asked Tubbo. 

Wilbur steadied himself on the beanbag. "So, since you had a paralysis demon in your other house. You will have one here. It will be the same one. Are you okay with that?" Wilbur said. 

Wilbur was worried. He heard that paralysis demons are sometimes a bad thing and didn't want Tubbo to feel uncomfortable. 

"Wait. Did you say the same one I had when I was in my old house?" Tubbo asked. "Uh, yeah?" Wilbur replied. 

"YES! Oh- uh I mean Yay!" Tubbo yelled. Wilbur was now completely confused, why was Tubbo happy about this? 

"Uhm.  If you didn't know, I grew a bond with that demon. They were like a second best friend to me, so I'm very happy that I get to see them again." Tubbo explained. 

Wilbur made on 'oh' face. T,hen left the room, leaving Tubbo with his thoughts.

Although Tubbo was excited to see his Demon friend again, he was kinda sad that he still had a paralysis demon. 

Tubbo decided that he would change calling them a demon to an Angel since they were always very nice to him. 

Once again, Tubbo was excited to what was going to come tonight. 


That night, Tubbo went through his normal night routine, but much quicker. Tubbo sped walked towards his room. 

Saying he was excited was an understatement. He was VERY excited to see his Angel friend. Tubbo closed the door and went towards his bed. 

He turned off his lamp and waited patiently. Minuets passed and Tubbo was beginning to feel sleepy. But he didn't want to miss meeting his Angel. 

And just like that, there they were. Standing in the middle of the room. "DEMON!" whisper-yelled Tubbo. The Demon lifted it's head towards Tubbo and made a happy noise. 

Tubbo went towards the Demon and gave them a hug. They immediately hugged back. When they let go, Tubbo went to his backpack and took out a box of UNO.

The demon laughed and nodded when Tubbo asked if they wanted to play. Both sat across each other and started the competitive game of UNO. 

After six rounds of UNO, Tubbo began to feel tired. He check the clock and read 3:50 am. 

"Okay demon, I think it's time for me to go to sleep. I need to wake up early tomorrow so that I could make breakfast for Tommy and Drista!" Said Tubbo. 

The demon nodded happily as they went back to their place and poofed away, leaving Tubbo with his thoughts. 

Tubbo began to clean up the UNO game while thinking of the events that happened today. He was very happy. He finally got to see his Angel friend after so long. 

That night, Tubbo slept peacefully. Happy about everything that happened. 

'I wonder what tomorrow has in store'


Hallo my readers! You have reached the end of the chapter! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! I spent a long time thinking about it. Are you guys happy I brought back the Demon? Also, sorry for the late update, I had a bit of a power outage. But all is good now. That's all for today! Hope you have a nice day/night/afternoon and don't forget to drink water, sleep, and Stay safe! See you my children!

Word count: 1106 words

- Eliza❅

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