Chapter 4: The ghost named Wilbur

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Hello again! Welcome to the 4th chapter! I'm literally writing this at 3:49 a.m I guess this is what happens when I fall asleep at 8:47 p.m and wake up at 1:00 a.m in the mood for writing. This will probably be my favorite chapter yet. This chapter will mostly be about Wilbur and his relationship with the Sbi, Tubbo, and Issac. Enjoy!

TW - Wholesomeness, Neglect (?) , and sad Wilbur


No POV -

Wilbur was a bit tired so he took a quick break to regain his strength and energy.

A few minutes passed and Wilbur felt refreshed. He decided to leave the room to let the boy sleep peacefully.

He didn't know where Phil and Techno where so he went to look for them. He flew down the hall towards Tommy's room.

He opened the door to see Phil and Techno trying to move Tommy from the bean bag to the bed.

They failed.

Wilbur sighed gaining Techno and Phil's attention. "Wilbur! Do you mind helping us? If we all work together we might be able to move Tommy to bed." Phil said.

Techno nodded as he carefully tried to place Tommy back onto the bean bag. Wilbur looked at his surroundings. He knew he could do this alone.

Wilbur thought it was time that he showed Phil and Techno that he had the power to o things by himself. Before he could answer Phil spoke up.

"Hey, Techno do you remember how Tubbo went to sleep?" Phil asked. Techno thought for a bit. "I think that he fell asleep on his desk." Techno said. Phil hummed.

Wilbur went wide eyed. "Are you guys not going to move him?" Wilbur asked. Phil and Techno looked at each other.

"Wilbur, by the time we are done with Tommy, we won't have enough energy for Tubbo. I'm sorry that's just how it is." Phil explained.

Wilbur got angry. He pushed by Techno and Phil and started to work. He made the bed for Tommy to sleep in. He then made his way towards Tommy.

He grabbed all the tiny stuff away from Tommy and organized them neatly. He then made his way back to Tommy to pick him up.

By himself.

Phil panicked. "Wilbur! Stop! Your going to lose all your strength! Your too weak to pick him up by yourself!" Phil Yelled. Techno just stared wide eyed.

Wilbur scoffed and started to turn into his human form. He gathered his strength and picked up Tommy.

Phil and Techno watched in surprise, they never thought that Wilbur had this much energy.

Wilbur carried Tommy to bed and tucked him in. Wilbur stared at Tommy for a couple seconds before kissing him on the forehead.

Wilbur then turned towards Phil and Techno. He then suddenly felt super tired. He went back to his ghost form and collapsed.

Phil and Techno went to Wilbur's aid immediately. "Wilbur!" Techno yelled.  Techno tried to pick Wilbur up but failed.

"What were you thinking?!" Phil yelled.

"I wanted to show you that I could do stuff by myself. I don't usually fall down after this act. Maybe it's because I already put Tubbo to bed in this form. At least both children are comfortable in their bed." Wilbur explained

Phil and Techno went wide eyed. How did they not know about this? How come they never noticed?

"Wil, why didn't you tell us about your power?" Phil asked. Wilbur sighed. He didn't expect to tell them this way.

Wil took a few seconds to process what he should say before answering. He sighed.

"I didn't say anything because you would ask me to teach Techno instead of congratulate me. You always did that. If I got a trophy, you would tell me to teach Techno how to do the certain activity. I didn't tell you anything because I was afraid that I wouldn't be given the attention I wanted."

Phil went wide eyed. He did it. He did the thing he promised he never wanted to do. Pick a favorite.

"No, I did it. I FUCKING DID IT. I PROMISED I WOULDN'T DO IT. IM SO SORRY WILBUR, IM SO SORRY." Phil yelled. Tears started streaming down his cheeks. Wilbur and Techno watched surprised. They never saw Phil cry

Even in the darkest times, Phil always smiled. He always reassured them when they were at their worst.

Wilbur took a step forward and hugged Phil. Phil was surprised. He didn't understand why Wilbur was hugging him.

"Dad, it's not your fault. I understand why you did what you did. I love you dad." Wilbur said. Phil hugged back and sobbed into his sons shoulder.


Tubbo wondered how he got in bed. That last thing he remembers is falling asleep on his chair. He decided to shrug it off. He checked the time.

'4:00am? Oh well, I'll just go make breakfast before Tommy wakes up.'  Tubbo got up and picked out his clothes for the day.

He made his way downstairs to the kitchen. He picked out some fruits, ice, and milk. He then went to the blender to make him and Tommy milkshakes.

Tubbo then made pancakes and grabbed strawberry and blueberry syrup from the cabinet. When the blender stopped he grabbed two cups and poured the sweet mixture.

Tubbo then set the table for him and Tommy. After he was finished he went upstairs to wake up Tommy.

Little did he know that later in the day a young girl would find their house.

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting. I was really busy and I didn't have my chrome book with me. I'm using my moms  iPad to write the chapters until the end of the summer. I hope you can understand. I also want to mention that I have been very interested in Dadinnit and Runaway Minor aus. So I'm wondering if you guys wanted to see those types of stories in the future. I'm also going to start writing my stories with either Drista and Lani because they are so underrated. I'm also wondering if I should have Issac adopt Lani. Do you think that's a good idea? Anyways, have a beautiful day and remember to love and care for yourself !
Word count - 1048

With love,

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