Chapter 5 - Well, Isn't That Just A Kick In The Crotch

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"I was wondering if you'd wanna be my girl?"

He looked deeply into my eyes. I felt like his eyes were burning holes into mine.

"Well, Ricky. You're a nice guy and all, but I don't think I'm ready to rush into anything with you - or anyone as a matter of fact. It's just, my life is a bit hectic at the moment, so...maybe if we were just close friends?"


He didn't say anything, not even a squeak. He just stood there, looking at me hesitantly.

"I hope you'll understand" I said breaking the silence


Maybe he's short-circuited. Why is he so silent? This is getting a bit weird.

I jumped off of the island and nearly fell, but Ricky caught me in his arms. When I got back on me feet, his hand was on my waist. And he pulled me closer, closing off the space between us. For a moment there I thought I was going nuts. Because it looked like he was about to kiss me.

And he did.

With much ferocity. He kissed me like I've never been kissed in the longest time ever - excluding my kiss with Grayson.

He pulled away, and the look in his eyes said it all. Lust.

He was about to say something, but kept quiet, he looked into my eyes, almost as if he was unsure of what was happening.

And I kissed him again, and again. For the longest time ever, and instead of pushing him away each time like I wanted to before, I just wanted to pull him closer towards me. And enjoy this one moment, just not ruin it.

He picked me by my thighs and I straddled his waist not pulling away from the kiss for even a single moment. And I felt a weight slightly fall off of my shoulders.

Gray's pov

I went out to the porch for some air. I feel light headed and I feel like the world's spinning. My therapist keeps going on and on about how fresh air helps calm your nerves, but it never works for me. So I walk back inside and I hear faint kissing noises and rustling sounds. I peaked into the living room and everyone was still asleep on the couches - except Heaven and Ricky. I start walking towards the kitchen and the sounds are getting louder. When I walk in, I find - to my dismay - Ricky and Heaven making out.

"What in the actual fuck."

They jolted apart and Heaven looked away.

"Uhh, I think I'm gonna go to bed." she said

"Talk tomorrow?" Ricky asked

"Yeah, sure." Heaven answered with a small smile

She walked past me, her shoulder brushed up on mine and she disappeared up the stairs.

Ricky just stood there, looking flustered and his little man woke.

Well, isn't that a huge kick in the crotch?

I walked up the stairs to me and Heaven's room. I didn't even bother to knock, I swung the door open to find a half naked Heaven on the other side.

Well, fuck.



This chapter is shorter than all the others but I'm doing it for the suspense.

Who do you ship?

Ricky and Heaven?


Gray and Heaven?

its a little too early to tell but I feel like you catch the drift already, or not? idk

Let me know in the comments

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