Chapter 10 - Doctor's Orders

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I woke up feeling much better than I did earlier. The room was dark and the curtains weren't closed, how it was when I entered. Did Gray not come in while I was asleep? I shrugged it off and went to take a shower.

When I was done showering, I wore a simple black body-hogging sundress with a cute pair of sandals. I was about to open the door to leave the room but someone beat me to it from the outside.

"Oh, hey!"

"Uh, hi,"

It took us a while to get back to reality, or at least it looked like it, and when I finally did, I swiveled around him to go downstairs but he caught my arm and spun me around.

"Why are we being awkward with each other?" Gray chuckled

"I don't know, it was kind of awkward how you were right there when I opened the door. It looked like you'd been there for a minute or two,"

"More than that actually, I just didn't want to disturb you while you were sleeping. You seemed pretty tired and had to rest, doctor's orders"

"I was, that hospital bed was really uncomfortable," I chuckled nervously

"Anyway I'm heading down to look for something to eat, would you like to join me?"

"I'm not hungry, but I can keep you company,"

He linked our hands together and let me to the kitchen where we peacefully - well, I peacefully - enjoyed my first meal of the day, at 9pm.

The other's were out clubbing and I couldn't help but feel jealous that I couldn't but I at least had Gray to keep me company. In all honesty though I'd rather be out with them than here, but I can't because 'Doctor's orders!' Ugh. I didn't like being this bored.

A while later Gray and I decided on watching Family Guy since I had no sleep left in me and there was nothing else to do. I usually caught him thinking really deeply, dozing off into the distance as if something was bothering him. I tried snapping him back to reality but seconds later he'd be back at it again. I just ignored him but it got a little worrying.

"Gray," I said softly



"Grayson!" I finally yelled, pulling him out of the little world he seems to be lost in. "What's up? You've been staring at the carpet for so long it even feels embarrassed," I said sarcastically

He just chuckled and murmured "I'm fine"

He was lying. It was very obvious that he was. He's not a good liar.

"It sure doesn't seem that way"

"I said I'm fine, okay. Leave it," he spat

A bit taken aback, I held my hand to my chest and dramatically acted offended.

"I'm sorry, I just... thinking back to when you collapsed. I was worried,"

"I'm fine dude," placing my hand on his shoulder, "No need to worry anymore. But I know that's not it, what happened?"

"When you fainted, you were in some sort of, I don't know how to put it but... it looked as if you were having a nightmare and not actually lifeless, like how some people are when they collapse. And you kept on shaking like you were cold but it wasn't quite that. You kept muttering under your breath 'don't leave me. don't leave me'. Should I be worried about that?"

"I mean I don't know for sure what that is but I don't think you should, it's over now," I reassured him

As I was about to get back to the show, he started talking again, I hate when people do that but I listened.

"That's not all Heaven,"

"Oh, there's more?" I asked confused

"When I came to see you at the hospital, I tried to kiss you, well, not tried per se cause I actually did but you..." his face furrowed, "You called me by another guy's name, Heaven,"

I frowned, not knowing how that had happened.

" You called me Tyler," he frowned

A million thoughts flushed my mind in that very moment. I didn't know whether to apologise, or say something or stay silent. My jaw hung open and I suddenly went mute.

"Who's Tyler?"

I sat there, jammed, like a phone with full storage.

"ANSWER ME," he yelled, which startled me, "please,"

The moment I tried to mutter something out, the door flung open and our drunken friends entered the room noisily and when their eyes landed on us, they went completely silent. Tension filled the room as they stood there and finally Jax yelled something I didn't quite hear that made everyone laugh and I excused myself.

I walked out to the beach, held my sandals in my hands and sat on the sand hugging my knees really close to my chest. I didn't know what to feel, or even what to think. I was completely stunned, not just at the fact that I, for a moment, even if I wasn't completely awake, thought Tyler was still alive. And that I saw him in another guy. I mean, they weren't that similar and you can tell them apart quite easily. A very obvious difference being: the other was dead, and the other was alive.

Jax joined me a little while later and sat beside me. He didn't say anything but hugged me.

"He said I called him -"

"I know," he cut me off. "I was there. But don't worry, he'll come around,"

"Dangit man!! I feel so bad. I don't know what to even say to him." I said burying my face in my palms

"You don't have to tell him if you're not ready, just make him aware that you actually will tell him one day,"

"I don't think he wants to talk to me right now,"

"Give him a moment, 'kay? He's just in a state of shock. He probably thinks Ty's some other guy you're cheating on him with, I mean, any guy would think that," he chuckled

I looked up at him, smiling thankfully and he winked at me.

We walked back to the house and walked in on Gray clearing the living room angrily, it looked more like a sad angry. I waved at Jax and looked over at Gray, deciding whether to talk to him or if this was a bad time. I chose the latter and went upstairs to sleep.

I really couldn't sleep with my head buzzing like this. I can't even shut my eyes for two fucking seconds. My thoughts were disturbed by the sound of the door opening, I closed my eyes and pretended to be sleeping. He shuffled around the room doing God-knows-what and exited the room once again, only this time, he used the door that led to the balcony.

I called his name numerous times before realizing he had his headphones on. I took them off of him and he turned to look at me, almost as if he was about to bite my head off for disturbing his music session.

"Can we talk?"


2 years later I'm still dragging my ass trying to finish this book😭😭I'll do better🥲

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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