Chapter 7

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Saiyan Saga Power Levels:

Tommy: 45,000 [Suppressed]/Full powered: 75,000/ Kaio Ken times 2: 150,000/ Super Saiyan: 7,500,000

Gohan: 50,000 [Suppressed]/ Full powered: 85,000/ Kaio Ken times 2: 170,000

Oozaru Vegeta: 2,250,000

Oozaru Nappa: 1,250,000

Harnessed Oozaru Vegeta: 4,500,000

Harnessed Oozaru Nappa: 2,500,000


Now an enraged Super-Saiyan, Tommy battled BOTH Nappa AND Vegeta.

Both Saiyans found themselves not even a match for the legendary Super Saiyan.

And because of that Nappa was killed first.

And Vegeta without a doubt, was next in line.


Despite Vegeta's efforts, it meant little to nothing with Tommy.

Who was heavily pissed off.

Located now in the dusty mountains, all Vegeta could do was back away as this....Monster stalked him.

Taunted him.

Without saying a word.


Vegeta: S-S-S-Stay back! Stay back you monster!

Tommy said nothing as he approached the saiyan prince.

A killing intent rubbed off his super saiyan aura that caused Vegeta to know that his time of death was near.

Vegeta quivered in fear before he then said: Wait! Look, I didn't want to destroy the earth! Honest! I came here to recruit you because I found out the truth! The truth about our planet! Our homeworld! It was why Raditz came here! But he saw that you would rather stay on earth than help us against an enemy that can destroy the earth along with the entire galaxy! His name is Frieza! He's the one who made me who I am! I never wanted to destroy anything! But the Saiyans had no choice! Otherwise Frieza would destroy our entire race! He-He made me do things I didn't want to do! He said he would kill my father if I didn't do what he wanted! I did everything he asked! Everything! And he killed him anyway! Along with everyone else! Even your father Kakarot! He was scared of us! Scared that a Super Saiyan would rise up and overthrow him! And you are that Super Saiyan! The one who will avenge our people! Our race! Please Kakarot! Come to your senses!

Tommy didn't say a word still.

But then, he finally replied: And how can I trust you?! What makes you think that I will drop my guard after what you've done?! What Frieza did to you it isn't an excuse for having this twisted desire to kill innocent people! You and Nappa, you both killed my friends and my wife! And then called her a whore! And now you think that a sad story will make me feel sorry for you?!

Vegeta: I'm not telling you this for you to feel any pity for me! I'm telling you this to make known to you that I never asked to destroy anything! I only wanted to rule over people who showed loyalty to my father! Respect to my father! I only wanted to make him proud! But even I know that he's turning over in his grave knowing that his son will never have the power to defeat Frieza! No matter what I put myself through, I would never be at Frieza's level! That's why we came here to earth to find the dragon balls! If we could use them to make a wish to be immortal, then maybe we would have a chance against Frieza!

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