Chapter 27

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Salem opened her eyes and saw Ed and Eric and Tommy.

Salem:....Th-Thank you. I can now.

Tommy:....Wait a moment, I thought you were immortal?

Salem: I was. But should the negative energy be destroyed, I can finally be mortal again. And die. Thanks to you all. You, who I don't know, I am able to go to the netherworld and remain there for the rest of eternity. Although, I have many regrets. Many things I wish I could take back. But then, those who made know my heart. Know the guilt I carried for so long. But now, now it's gone. And now...I can die happy.

Before the eyes of Ed and Eric and Tommy Salem withered away.

Turning into nothing more but ashes that then was picked up by the air and flowed with the wind.


One year has passed.

After the reconstruction of North city, Krillin and the police force dealt with the White Fang.

Who still roamed throughout certain cities of the Dragon Ball world.

As for Vegeta, he resumed back to his training with Tommyand he was also a family man for his family.

Launch continued her work at Capsule Corp.

Helping Chima with new inventions.

Gohan and Caleb and Goten continued to teach their students, new and old, how to unlock their KI and use it to its fullest.

Cody and Blake had gotten married.

Jonathan and Ruby had gotten married.

Eric and Raven had begun dating.

It was hard for Eric to date a woman who was the mother of the girl who had fused with Weiss so they could both be with Ed.

But he knew that he would be able to hurdle this awkwardness soon.

And Ed?

Well Weiss and Yang both wanted Ed.

Neither didn't like sharing. And neither was willing to share Ed.

One day Chima had given the girls the ear rings she wore.

She didn't know why.

But her instincts and mother's intuition told her that this would help her son and her future daughters in law.

So Yang and Weiss placed the ear rings on.

Yang placed one in her left ear.

Weiss placed the other in her right ear.

Suddenly their bodies clashed together and merged and became one body.

One person.

One being.

And her new name was Yeiss.

Yeiss Schneelong.

When she introduced herself to the others, Ruby almost fainted.

Blake was amazed that something such as fusion existed in this world.

Raven was indifferent about this and Tommy was having a Deja Vu moment.

And he knew why.

This was the exact same thing that he was able to hurdle with the help of the dragon.

And this was where he knew what the dragon did.

Somehow he used Potara to fuse Bulma and Chi Chi.

And even without the ear rings, they were still fused.

Ed stared at Yeiss.

Whose features resembled both Yang and Weiss.

She approached him and said: Surprise. And here's another surprise.

She kissed him.

Eric, Jonathan and Cody cheered along with a weirded out Ruby, Blake, and an indifferent Raven.

Chima smiled as she was wiping away tears.

Her sons were growing up.

Which meant it was time to baby making again.

After all, Daniel and Sarai would need some siblings to play with.

And speaking of them, they were asleep in their cribs.

Unaware of the world that was awaiting them.

With new adventures that they and their future siblings would soon embark on.

For now this is another chapter ending in the lives of the Son family.

FOR NOW.....

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