Chapter 2

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At Rossi's Dereks POV
I sat in my car outside of Rossi's. I didn't see Reid's car there and I wasn't very surprised. He's been angry very angry. I heard a little bit of JJ and Reid's fight. I was upset when I found out Emily was alive but nothing compared to Reid. I decide to call Reid and see if maybe I can get him to come.

He answers.

"What?" That's not like Reid answer that way.

"Where are you kid?"

"I'm at home." He sounds frustrated.

"Reid this is getting out of hand. You can't keep ignoring everyone." I start to get a little fed up with his attitude.

"I'm not."

"Yes you are. Everyone else is here at Rossi's. It's not a team gathering if we are missing our Pretty boy."

"I'm not coming and that's final. You guys would be fine without me anyway. Just have fun I'll be at work tomorrow."

"Kid-" I start to say put he hangs up on me. Now that is not the Reid I know. I decide to get out of the car and go in.

I get inside and everyone was expect for Reid obviously.

"Hey hot stuff!" Garcia welcomed me.

"Hey baby girl. Sorry I'm late. I called Reid." My smile drops to a frown at the last of my words.

"He's not coming is he. I tried texting him but he never responded." JJ frowned.

"He'll be okay. Let's just have fun tonight he said he'd be a work tomorrow." I tell the team and they nod their heads.


Spencer's POV
It felt so good. I checked the time. It read 12:30 am. After I used I watched some Star Trek for a bit. It didn't last long until I needed more. I can feel myself becoming more and more addicted. I used to not have to use for very long period of time but now every couple of hours it seems I need more of it. When I get high I don't have to listen to my thoughts. All my worries go away and I can be at peace.

It's wore off by now and I'm stuck with all the memories. I can't let them find out what I'm doing. Hotch covered for me last time but I could get in serious trouble if they found out I'm using again.

I walk to my kitchen and grab a bag of chips. I relax on the couch and eat until I know I can't go any longer. I pull myself back I got the bathroom and go through my routine I'm getting too used to. I barely get any sleep now a days so I put a little extra liquid in the syringe. Maybe it will make me pass out and I can finally sleep.

I push the dilaudid into my arm and start to feel a little dizzy. I shake it off and walk into my kitchen to throw away my trash. I make it to the counter before I collapse on to the floor.

Emily's POV
I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear.

"Ughh" I groan pulling myself out of bed.

I could help but think about last night. Reid never came. I feel so bad. We betrayed him and he's hurt. I wish I could of told him. But I had to keep myself and everyone else safe.

I arrive and check into the building. I take the elevator to the 6th floor and walk in. I see Morgan at his desk, JJ at hers, Rossi in his office, Hotch in his office, and Garcia is probably in her room of computers. But no Reid. Usually he is always early but it's never like him to be late.

"Hey have you guys seen Reid?" I ask. They shake their head no. Hotch and Morgan are the only ones who have a concerned look on their face.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't show up." JJ rolls her eyes.

I give her a glare and turn back to the group.

"We have a case." Hotch steers away from the subject of Reid.

We gather at the round table and I see Garcia make her way in.

"Where's Boy Wonder?" She asks.

"Don't know." Rossi responded.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon. Let's get on with the case. There were four men murdered within the last week. There was a small cross burned into each of their foreheads. On the arms of each body was the message "Watch you backs BAU" Also, each of the men were taken in broad daylight. Witnesses claim our unsub was medium height, short hair, and definitely female. They said she wore a mask and all black clothing." Garcia winced at the photos while talking.

"Well someone has it out for us." I say.

"That's seems like the case. We'll discuss more on the jet, Wheels up in 30." Hotch finishes.

"Hey Hotch!" I call out to him before he leaves the room.

"Yes Emily."

"Did Reid say anything to you?" I ask wondering if maybe he'd taken the day off.

"No. I'm going to call him before we board don't worry." He reassured me.

Something is off. As much as Reid may not like us right now, he would still come to work.

"Ok thanks." I walk away from Hotch still worrying.

Hotch's POV
I've known Reid for a long time. I know he isn't in the right head space but that doesn't excuse him just not coming into work. If he wants a few days off that's fine with me but he needs to let me know he's okay. I walked into my office and pull out my phone and dial Reid's number.

"Hello?" I confused voice answers.

"Reid. We have a case."

"What do you mean. It's like 3 am." He slurs his words a bit. This can't be good.

"Reid it's 11:30 am. Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be." His voice turns stern likes he's angry.

"Reid I'm worried about you are you sure you want to come in today?" I ask.

"Yes, I'm fine hotch I'll be there in....10 minutes." His words slur less.

"Good. Jet leaves in 20." He hangs up before I can tell him anything else.

The signs are all there. Maybe he's drunk? Or maybe I'm avoiding the obvious. But Reid wouldn't. After Tobias he just wouldn't. Would he?

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