Chapter 3

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Spencer's POV
After Hotch called. I pulled myself out of bed and tried to get ready. I had a massive headache. It was probably due to the bottle of vodka I had drank last night. I'm never really a drinker but after the drugs wore off I decided, what the hell.

I quickly put on a blue button up long sleeve shirt that would go under a navy sweater vest. I took a look at myself in the mirror. My hair was messy. I had big dark bags under my eyes and I looked pale. Not wanted to draw suspicion towards me I comb my hair and wash my face. After I decided I looked half decent I grabbed my go-bag and headed out the door.

Once I walk out of the elevator and can feel all eyes on me. Ignore them and walk to me desk.

"You okay Pretty Boy?" Derek was the first to talk coming up to my desk.

"Yep." I respond and continue to grab the files I needed.


We all get on the jet. I take my seat on the couch and we start to discuss the case.

"So it seems our unsub is in some kind of religion due to the crosses on the forehead." Emily says.

"That's sounds I bit like..."JJ starts but immediately stops. I could feel the team looking at me again.

Tobias Hankel.

Rossi is the only one who seemed confused but he shrugged it off.

"Tobias, I know." I stated coldly.

"The message. When we arrive we need to be careful this unsub could attack anywhere and we definitely know she's out for us. Reid and Morgan go to the latest dumb site, Rossi and JJ go to the morgue and Prentiss and I will work on the profile." Hotch says switching the subject and placing the file in his hands back on the table.

Morgan put his headphones in and the rest of the team just sat back and relaxed.

I couldn't say the same for me. I could feel the need. My hands were a little shaky but I could last for a little while longer. I try looking out the window to calm myself but that's just made the headache I had worse. I quickly closed my eyes and rested my head on the back of my seat.

"Reid?" I could hear a faint voice say.

"Reid!" The voice became louder and I opened my eyes quickly but regretted it soon after.

"Are you okay?" I could see Emily in front of me.

"Will everyone just stop asking me that."I groan. They keep asking and asking and I'm fine. But am I?

"Reid please tell me what's happening. I called you multiple times and I know you weren't sleeping." Emily started to get a little agitated.

"Emily it's nothing just drop it." I could tell she was frustrated but she didn't push any further.

"I'm sorry." She apologizes.

"Don't be. It's not you fault."

"And it's not JJ's either." She says. My sad smile dropped. Did she really have to bring that up? It is JJ's fault.

Not wanting to continue the conversation I get up and walk to the coffee machine leaving Emily confused and concerned.

I saw Hotch eyeing me and Emily's talk and his eyes continued to follow me all the way to where I am now.

Why can't they just go on with their own lives? They didn't care to tell me the truth so why would they care about me now?

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