Chapter 8

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3rd Person
"Our unsub is young by the sound of her voice and her height as we saw her next to Reid. So she must have made some sort of mistake she couldn't have been doing this for long we just need to find out what." Hotch talks over the phone to Emily, Derek and JJ in the other car.

"She most likely has a partner. Reid may be as light as a feather but she would need an accomplice to help her get him to where he is now" Derek adds as the sound of tires squeaking transfers through the phone.

"How long do we have Morgan?" Emily asks.

"About 5 more minutes. Don't worry Prentiss I'm going as fast as I can. We will get Reid in time."

"We only have 15 minutes till it's time." JJ sighs.

"Like I said don't worry we gonna make sure he lives to read another book." Morgan reassured everyone as they anxiously wait to arrive.

Spencer's POV
"Wow. I'm starting to think they don't want you anymore." The girl tells me sighing in boredom. She's back. Mans Gone.

"You really are boring." She looks at me in disgust and slightly kicks my leg. If I hadn't already been tortured that tiny bump would feel like nothing. But I felt something alright. The pain trickled up my body as I fought back tears. Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic. I'm really about to cry after getting tapped on the leg.

I can tell I have already begun to really doubt myself. Who wouldn't? I'm not even sure if my team has figured out where I am.

Death has become fate.

A fate that I've accepted.

A fate that I've encouraged.

Dereks POV
In all honesty I don't know if Reid will be dead or alive when we arrive. We've been so slow.

"We're here" I tell Emily parking the car fast and scurrying out the door.

"Prentiss and Morgan take the back. JJ come with Rossi and I to the front." Hotch instructs as we quietly make our way to the cabin/shed.

"Please be ok. Please." I hear Emily say under her breath.

We continue to look for Reid. My gun pointed in front of me as I walk in the fence that surrounded the area.

I could faintly head a scream and immediately recognized it as Reid's. It hurt my heart to hear it but that meant he was alive.

I wave over Prentiss as she comes up behind me.

"Look." I point to a latch that was on the ground. It seemed as though it was supposed to be hidden but we could see it pretty clearly.

Please be in here Reid.

"Open it." Prentiss says and I do.

Spencer's POV
"Did you hear that?" The man said. Yes, he's back again.


I know I heard it.

A glimmer of hope filled my eyes.

Could it be the team?

Are they here to save me from this hell?

"It's probably nothing honey. This guys got 5 minutes left. I say we just kill him now. His team isn't coming for him."

Even though I heard that noise her statement still pained me. I've been so selfish ever since Emily came back. I turned to drugs. I turned to drinking. I became rude and now I'm paying for it.

Just do it already. I want to get this over with.

Dereks POV
Once we opened the latch there was a staircase that lead to a dark and mysterious area where we could only hope Reid was. Emily stayed behind me as I lead the way down. Before we reached the bottom I heard another scream. It was quieter and sounded tired. I gritted my teeth and tried to get the image of Reid being beaten out of my mind so I could be helpful when we get him.

The staircase was long and the suspense of seeing Reid made my heart beat faster and faster. I could tell Prentiss was the same way.

At the end I look around the corner and see 3 people. One in a chair and two around him with knives next to them. The knives were bloody and sharp.

"FBI! DROP THE WEAPON!" I shouted and they looked back quickly.

"His time is up Derek." The lady says smirking while holding a gun to Spencer's head. The man had a knife at his throat also. So if one goes down the other one can finish the job. I also notice a large metal door on one side of the room.

But there she was. The girl who we saw on camera. Only now I could see her face. The demented look in her eyes and vicious smirk on her face. She isn't going down without a fight and I can tell.

And as I said, there was a partner. He looked much older than the girl but there was something familiar about him. Like I've seen him before.

"It's the postman." Emily whispers to me with her hun held out in front of her. There's my answer. How did I not see it before. The unnamed package that his "partner" told him to deliver to an Agent Hotchner. All the signs were there.

"Don't do something you'll regret. The death of an FBI agent on your hands won't look good." I plead for Reid's life. The look in Spencer's eyes told me everything. He wasn't scared or angry. Just tired and worn out. I then knew that Reid had accepted the idea of death. But just looking at him made me want to kill the two people next to him instantly. I saw the track marks on his arm and the bloody words carved onto both of them. His face was covered in small cuts and his hair was tinted black with old blood. The clothes he wore we barely clothes at all. Most of his bare chest was exposed and the sleeves of the shirt were battered and torn.

"He deserves it! You all do!" She shouts. I could see her eyes start to glisten. It's like she was about to cry. But why? She's been so confident this whole time. Kidnapping in broad daylight. Live-streaming part or Reid's torture to only our team. What on Earth could she be sad about?

"Please ma'am we don't want to have to hurt you. Just let the poor man go and we can make a deal." Emily says in the calmest of voice possible for the situation.

"Backyard under ground." I say into my earpiece. My  gun leveled at the women's head I keep it steady.

"Drop you guns or I'll blow his brain out." She threatens.

I thought about the consequences if I didn't and if I did. I knew that the team would need a few minutes to find where we were but they would, so I slowly bend down with my hands in the air as I drop the weapon.

"Kick it away. You too lady." She spits out as Emily and I kick our guns away.

So here we stand. Unarmed.

There our unsubs stand. Armed.

There Reid sits. Tied.

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