Chapter 4

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Still Spencer's POV
Morgan and I arrived at the last dumpsite and started looking around the area.

"This unsub is even more confident then we assumed. Dumping a body in a well publicized area is an attention power move." I began while Morgan took another look at the body.

"Looks at this Morgan." I point to the arm.

"If you see the way the handwriting looks this was writing by someone who is left handed."

"I would question how you got to that conclusion but I won't waste me time." Morgan chuckles.

I check my back pocket looking for my phone but realize I left it at the station.

"Can you call Hotch and tell them about the handwriting. I left my phone back at the station and they will need that information for the profile." I asked.

"Yeah sure kid." Morgan steps aside to call Hotch.

"Alright. Hotch said that we should check the Bar and talk with some of the workers there to see if they noticed anything." I nod and we start to walk up to the door. My hands started to shake really badly and I could feel the craving start to come.

"You can go in I'll be there in a minute." He gives me a concerned and confused face but walks in.

I try to calm myself down. Breath in and Out. I can shoot up when I get into the bathrooms at the station. I tell myself.

"Hello Dr.Reid. Are you ready for some fun." I felt the breath of someone talking on my neck. Before I could run or turn around I was smacked over the head with what felt like a pipe. Falling to the ground I give into the darkness.


Derek's POV
Something is wrong with Reid. It's been 2 minutes and he's still not in here. I walk outside and call his name.

"Reid?" I say but no answer.

"Reid!" I am now shouting and still no answer.

I quickly get my phone out and dial the first number that's shows up. Emily Prentiss.

"You're on speaker. What's up?"She answers. I mentally sigh a sigh of relief.

"Emily, Reid h-he's." I start to stutter while my panic.

"Derek slow down what's wrong?"

"It's Reid. He's gone." I finally get out.

"What's do you mean Reid's gone." A different voice asks. It was stern and sounded upset.

"I mean. I went into the bar and Reid said he'd come in. But after a few minutes he never did so I checked outside and I couldn't find him anywhere." I tell them while making it into the SUV.

"I'll call JJ and Rossi just get back here." Hotch says and hangs up right after.

What have I done? Reid gone and it's all my fault. I knew something was up with him, so why did I leave him by himself?


???? POV
I can see him in the other room. Pathetic and weak just like all of them. He starts to wake up and that's how I know it's my cue.

"Wake up Pretty Boy" I see him squint at the bright light I put in his face.

"What the-" he starts but I quickly put my hand over his mouth.

"Shut it. It's my time to speak not yours." He nods and I take my hand off.

"You know I didn't think I'd get to your first. I thought that may the genius with an IQ of 187 would be smarter than to leave his partner while there's a serial killer who hunts in the daytime. But I guess I was wrong. So tell me Dr.Reid why were you outside and alone."

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I mean......I could see the shake in your hands and your heavy breathing. You scratched the crook of your arm too. That's can only mean one thing." I could see him getting more and more nervous.

"That I have an itch" Reid sarcastically says.

"Don't be smart with me." I smack him hard across the face.

"Tell me what your hiding or should I show you." I hold his leg down and search in his pockets till I feel the cold touch of a bottle. I pull out the vials and his face turns white.

"Dilaudid. Drugstore heroin they say. Surprised you haven't turned to the hardcore stuff yet. This drug is for weaklings." I place the vials on the table next to me.

"Why did you take me?" He asks. How stupid.

"Figure it out genius. I'll give you some time." I smirk and walk out the door locked it shut knowing he will never get out.

Spencer's POV
It's been a few hours. Alone. Cold. Sweaty. Hungry. Thirsty. I haven't seen my kidnapper at all since her last visit. My face stung from the hit and I could feel the blood start to dry on my head. I lean back in my chair. My wrists burned from the ropes that's were tied tightly behind me.

I hear the door open and look at the woman who held a single blade in her hand.

Sorry for the late update I was in Disney World and didn't have time to write. Hope you've enjoyed it so far!

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