Chapter Four

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It was now nearing the night of the sleepover and Sophia bit her lip as she variated her gaze between her mirror which consisted of her checking herself as if she was getting ready for a date to checking out the window onto the near twilight lit street, waiting to see Clover since the hours had seemed to fly but drag on and it was already nearing the time that Clover said she was going to arrive around for the sleepover. 

Sophia still felt all the same excited tingles that she basically did their first sleepover that they had ever had, but each time the tingles seemed stronger and more fluttery and each time she spent countless hours with Clover, it also made her long for more as well, it never seemed she had enough time with her, especially with all the time consuming woes of school and the ending of high school hanging lower above their heads with each passing day.

She however still couldn't help feel a little left out at the fact Clover hadn't wanted her to come over to her house, her mind seemed to fixate more and more on the mysterious home life of her best friend, it seemed more off the more she thought about it, also the fact Clover often disappeared oddly, sometimes up to weeks, she still would call, but she would say she had to go away for a family emergency and then be vague about it or use some other example like family drama or being out of phone service, which still made Sophia feel confused, it was obvious there was some type of shade around Clover's home life or family life and as much as Sophia wanted to pry or just ask more boldly, she was shy too and Clover was still stand-offish and odd at times, she often still was very guarded and would either change the conversation, not reply properly, reply vaguely or make some joke, but even with all that, Sophia was still drawn to her even with her mysterious persona and she was unable to stop the beaming smile that overtook her face as she glanced out the window and saw Clover coming up the street, her blonde hair reflecting the slowly brightening streetlight and her leather jacket having a metallic shimmer like it was dusted in a glitter matte.

Sophia couldn't help think how gorgeous she looked, radiating that stereotypical bad girl energy that Sophia felt attracted and intrigued by, she somehow felt shy though, since she had began to really wonder if she was crushing on Clover or not, she doubted she was probably even her type if Clover was interested even in girls, she had hinted at it, but Sophia wondered if anyone especially Clover would want her, as she always failed to see herself as she was, her beauty, smarts and sweet personality but her heart was warming when she thought over all the times Clover called her a goddess, an ethereal angel, cute, adorable, stunning or compared her to many famous stars or complimenting comparisons, she began to beam softly, recalling and feeling her heart flutter at how special Clover always made her feel. 

Out on the breezy street, Clover felt her own heart flutter as she looked up at the double storey house which felt more of a home to her than any of the ones she had ever lived in, she already felt like she was going actually home just as she glimpsed Sophia's shadow up in her bedroom, already feeling similar excited tingles and flutters as Sophia was, glad to just be there and excited for the night they were going to spend together, wishing it could be everlasting though and that she would never have to go home and deal with the place she resided, she just wanted to spend every moment with Sophia, even though she still felt Sophia was better off without her, despite how confident she usually tried to present herself. 

Sophia had quickly had to leave obsessing over her appearance to slowly tidy her room since Clover was now almost at the front door and the many soft plush toys that Clover had gifted Sophia with were tossed basically everywhere, as she had spent all her time since arriving home from school that day on how she looked and not even having a chance to make her room like up to par for her special guest, she couldn't help internally kick herself and feel stupid, going to all that trouble for just one of many sleepovers she had with her best friend, best friend, only best friend, she tried to tell herself, even though the images of her daydreams were getting harder and harder to control, she worried she wouldn't control some of her bottled up feelings though if Clover had managed to snatch and bring alcohol with her.

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