Chapter Six

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Soon over half the bottle was gone and both of them were a little tipsy, they had somehow ended up sitting cross legged facing eachother "You have really gorgeous eyes, like that song by the velvet underground, pale blue eyes, they are kind of like green though, aquamarine moonstones!" Clover blurted out randomly as she felt enchanted again by Sophia's beauty, she had always stunned Clover and she just seemed to get even more gorgeous as time progressed, especially as she had developed more of her own style too instead of following what the majority of the other students did and the liquor going too Clover's head made her bold enough to compliment her more.

Sophia instantly blushed and giggled as Clover took the bottle of her "Thanks, I am glad you think so, but I think you have the nice eyes, they are like a golden shade!" Sophia smiled, a little speechless as her heart seemed to flutter and warm from Clover's words, watching as her lips wrapped around the top of the bottle as she threw her head back and downed a large mouthful.

"I hate my eyes!" Clover shrugged after downing the mouthful, then pausing though as she realised she had mentioned one of the things she didn't like about herself, hoping Sophia wouldn't pry too much about why "But thank you, you are such a sweetie pie anyway!" Clover added, giving a half smile as she handed the bottle back.

Sophia was a little shocked by Clover's response, she had always known Clover could randomly say something self depreciatingly, insecure or odd and this time though, the Gin made her have the courage to ask more about Clover's mysteriousness "Can I ask why though, you are beautiful and so are your eyes!"

Clover felt a little shy, she also felt a little tense by the question but was mainly warmed Sophia asked, no one ever really asked her much so even though she didn't like being questioned or talking about herself, she felt Sophia truly did care and was interested "I just, someone I don't like has the same colour so I kind of just hate them because I don't want to look in the mirror and see that person through myself!" She admitted looking down from Sophia's gaze.

Sophia instantly gently reached out and placed her hand on Clover's, noticing she had clenched her hand into a fist like she was obviously feeling a rush of emotions but Sophia's touch made her hand relax instantly and unclench "I'm sorry Clover, but I promise you could never be like anyone other than yourself and you are amazing, I also want you to know, even though you are usually really closed off and mysterious, I'm always here for you and I will always listen because you are my best friend and I love you!" Sophia said, caressing her hand gently.

Without even thinking about her response and still being too wrapped up in Sophia's sweet words she instantly looked back up at her with a smile "I love you too and thank you for always bothering with me, no one else does and no one else cares so it means a lot, you mean a lot and I..." She began, barely being able to stop herself from saying about her strengthening crush.

Sophia smiled and gently held onto her hand, even though she wished she had said what she had been going to, as it played in her mind now, wondering, wishing maybe Clover felt the same about her, she mainly wanted to make sure Clover was alright though, she clearly had a lot of issues in her past and that became clearer by the more time they spent together and the little things Sophia had picked up on from Clover's behaviour at times, she worried for her and she wished she could ask more so she could help "You are perfect to me no matter what and I will always care even if you get sick of me because you mean so much to me too, you are so special to me Clover and I always feel I can talk about anything with you so I hope you know you can talk about anything with me, I won't push though but anyway, I kind of want to tell you something!"

Clover in a way did want to talk more, Sophia words were almost like a lost key finally was found and being placed into the lock that Clover had wrapped tightly around her whole past and home life, but she was still scared of letting that key turn and potentially cause her to tell Sophia everything about her life, she didn't want to dump on her, bring her down and she also didn't want Sophia to view her differently in any way, she also had always been taught or lectured to keep things to herself so it came naturally to her now, like it had been programmed into her core memory, being open was of a forbidden venture for her and her feelings so she gently just held onto Sophia's hand, more focused on wanting to know what she was going to tell her "I am just honoured you put up with me, I'm lucky to have met you and have you still bother with me, you deserve a better person as your friend!" She said, still feeling the need to be more than friends with the goddess she had fallen for as she gazed at her softly, hoping though too she didn't get hit by the alcohol too much more or she might spill her true feelings or life "But what did you want to say?" She asked, stroking her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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