Chapter Two

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Their first lunch break together rolled around sooner than either expected and they were both soon sat on a bench together, Sophia couldn't help notice Clover didn't seem to have a lunch though, she didn't even seem to have a school bag, so Sophia guessed she hadn't prepared yet, no one had bothered helping her get ready with what she needed or she just used the pockets of her leather jacket to carry what she considered necessary, Sophia wanted to ask her so many things, genuinely intrigued by her but didn't want to annoy her by appearing nosey, she felt guilty though as she began to pull her own lunchbox out, debating whether to have her sandwich or her breakfast bar, her stomach felt full of butterflies for reasons she couldn't explain and she didn't even want to eat, she also felt guilty eating when Clover probably wouldn't "I guess you better explain the planner thing to me, this school is different to my last one!" Clover said, feeling shy herself but just finally speaking, since she was beyond grateful for Sophia's help and company as she pulled out what was the planner from her jacket, even though despite it being new earlier that morning it was now creased. 

"I will gladly explain it, I guess some schools must be different, I'm still getting used to high school myself actually!" Sophia smiled, taking the planner and gently trying to un-crease it, wanting to ask more about Clover's life still.

"Thanks and yeah, I never feel used to school but its just a place to waste the day I guess, I can't wait until I'm older and can actually get paid to waste time!" Clover then chuckled, she couldn't help really want to pull out the joint she had in her pocket but she also didn't want to make a terrible first impression to Sophia since she seemed like a good girl to her so she resisted the urge, it was weird, she never really  cared what people thought of disapproved of but she felt she did with Sophia, she also didn't really want too much trouble on her first day there and after being suspended at one of the previous schools she had attended for smoking, she didn't want to take that risk because this school did seem decent enough, well Sophia made it seem decent enough anyway.

"Yeah, I get a lot of people feel like school is a waste of time, I just have always been encouraged to put my time in to it, so I try my best, I'm a bit a of a nerd I guess and I don't really have friends or socialize much so its my priority I guess, for now anyway, I want a good job when I'm older, get into a good college and all that!" Sophia giggled shyly feeling like Clover would probably think she was a loser now, since Clover clearly was opposite with her views. Sophia had also felt embarrassed by how school obsessed she had just come off and that was her best attempt at trying not to say how she literally every spare minute on school and was one of the top students in her class with great grades, she didn't want to appear to boast so often downplayed or didn't even realise how smart and hardworking she actually was. 

Clover however internally admired Sophia's dedication and stable smart plan for her future, she had always wished she had the smarts of the dedication to be good at school but she just naturally had found it difficult, she struggled picking up on things at a fast pace and a lot of the teachers had just written her off as dumb or the bad student, she of course hadn't bothered behaving but she had seemed to get labelled as that even when she hadn't been as troublesome as she became and her home life had always affected her schooling on top of that and her behaviour but that was another issue she didn't want to think about or delve into, she had just grown up thinking school was pointless in a way and had never really put thought into long time plans for her future or much of anything, she lived more in the moment  and believed planning ahead was pointless too and more likely to end in disappointment "I think that's cool how you have plans and all that and take your work so seriously, I'd never be able to, but I am sure you will get a good job and all that, I also bet you do have friends, how could you not?" Clover smiled.

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