Chapter Five

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The vibe between Clover and Sophia had oddly seemed to shift a little for both of them after the earlier moment, Clover still was wondering why it seemed as if Sophia was trying to impress her and Sophia was still wondering if she had, even as they made their way downstairs after having heard the pizza be delivered and Clover instantly beamed as she inhaled the delicious and mouth-watering scent that only fresh, steaming pizza was capable of creating.

Sophia too smiled at the pizza boxes, loving how Clover felt like part of the family, even there on her family's pizza night, she couldn't deny sometimes she wished Clover could stay longer, she thought she might this time, sometimes she did stay over the whole weekend and they'd go to school together on the Monday morning so that was still a thought but she felt she was thinking ahead, she was still worried that if she did let slip her feelings, she could ruin their friendship but Clover quickly got her attention again as she flipped open the pizza boxes "These look delicious, I didn't even realise how hungry I was, you better get some before I do!" She smiled to Sophia as she grabbed one of the plates, quickly going to wash her hands and then getting a slice of each of three pizzas, Marghertia, Supreme and Pepperoni. 

Sophia giggled, thinking it was funny how much Clover loved pizza, she herself too couldn't deny she was a fan as she went and washed her hands, then grabbing a slice of each as well "Have as much as you like girls, there is three after all and you have all your year end tests coming up!" Sophia's mother called out.

"I do need extra, I'm actually starving tonight!" Clover admitted as she grabbed an extra slice of the Margarita and Supreme, laying the slices on top of the others she had already got for her plate hoping she wasn't seeming greedy though, but no one seemed to care of judge her, she even was glad when she saw Sophia seem encouraged to take an extra slice of the Margherita, since they both even favoured that above the others, another thing they had in common, it was ironic how much they actually did have in common and yet how they were like opposites at the same time too.

"Did you want to watch TV with us or are you both got plans to watch something or study?" Sophia's mother asked.

"We were just going to eat in my room if that's ok!" Sophia smiled, sometimes her and Clover would watch TV with her family but other times they would chill in her room, she was just glad her family were so easy going about Clover being there and how they didn't mind either way.

"Yeah, but you are picking what we watch, we are taking a break from revising while we eat at least!" Clover lectured playfully as she began to follow Sophia back up the stairs, after they each got a glass of water to accompany their meal, not tempted by any of the other drinks that were on the bench, juice and soda weren't appealing when they knew they had the Gin upstairs hidden in Clover's bag.

"I hate choosing, you should choose, you are the guest!" Sophia whined with a chuckle, she really didn't like choosing things though and she blamed that on her shyness.

"I guess whatever is on TV then, I will be too busy entranced in this wonderful pizza to even notice the TV!" Clover then joked as they made their way back into Sophia's bedroom, Clover instantly going and taking a seat on her side of the bed, well what had somewhat became her side, Sophia had a double bed after all so during the sleepovers they shared it, Clover still remember how shy they had both been one morning when they woke up half cuddling, the thought still made her heart flutter though, going to sleep and waking up beside Sophia gave her a warm and fuzzy feeling.

Sophia smiled thinking how she would be too busy thinking about the moment before, where her and Clover had almost seemed lost in their own little world, their own little moment, she still tried to think, what if there was more to Clover's feelings, had she impressed her or was that moment all a figment of her Gin hazed imagination "I am glad you got pizza, you should stay over the whole weekend, leftover pizza for tea tomorrow after all!" Sophia smiled, then feeling shy as she realised she had tried to get Clover to stay longer as she began sitting down beside her, reaching for the TV remote, she was lucky enough to be gifted her parent's old TV when they had upgraded to a new one last Christmas, so she still was getting used to having it in her bedroom.

Clover felt her heart warm and flutter, she was excited about the offer and wished she never had to leave the comfort and warmth of Sophia's side, she subconsciously moved closer to her even at the thought as she smiled "I would love to, if you can bear my annoyance for tonight and still want more of me, how could I turn down that offer?" She giggled.

Sophia smiled as she noticed her best friend move closer to her, feeling that same little excited flutter fill in her heart that only Clover caused "You are not annoying, so you can stay another night, I know how secretly clingy you are!" Sophia warmly teased with a giggle as she began to eat.

Clover giggled and playfully rolled her eyes, knowing though she was oddly clingy toward Sophia, even if she had forever put on the somewhat tough girl who needed no one act, deep down she was actually needy and craving to have someone care for her and she often had felt a void of unfixable loneliness until she met Sophia, even though she often still felt alone when she wasn't in Sophia's company, just knowing her and knowing they were friends made it easier and in these moments, she could almost forget everything else and just focus on how wonderful it felt to be sat close to her best friend and eating pizza together, it was moments like these that Clover adored, even though her mind felt fixated on earlier still, thinking about how hard her feelings were to control and how worried she was about ruining the friendship she cared so much about that she had built with Sophia, but for now she just wanted to switch her thoughts off, just enjoying the pizza and the banter of trying to chose something.

Finally though, they had eaten their pizza and settled on watching some Doctor Who together and now the night was ticking on, they had rid the room of their plates and now Sophia had just got back from getting her nightly routine done of a shower or bath and getting into her nightgown while Clover had skipped that and just changed into a turtleneck and some baggy pants, she had other thoughts on how to fill the time while Sophia got into her pyjamas but she had then internally thought how wrong her primal urges were and stopped herself, just instead sitting on the bed and sipping some of the Gin, after all, she had other issues from her home life she was trying to drown out.

Sophia however had also had many of the same thoughts and urges and she felt those re-emerge at the sight of Clover lounging on her bed, holding the gin bottle, her blonde hair slightly mess and her lips looking a darker hue and swollen from the bittersweet burn of the Gin, she looked even more kissable especially with that bad girl aura she seemed to just naturally have that invoked feelings even more within Sophia.

While Sophia was in a somewhat gaze Clover's own eyes flickered up and down her secret crush, to her Sophia looked adorable yet sexy with her pastel nightgown that silhouetted her beautiful figure so perfectly and she just always had that ethereal and angelic look to her that mesmerised Clover, especially even more after the Gin had started to kick in, she had no idea how she'd resist kissing her heart shaped peachy glossed lips tonight, especially with the sweet and enticing perfume of her coconut shampoo as she slipped into the bed beside her "You smell good enough to eat like a coconut cupcake!" Clover couldn't help giggle, nuzzling her softly, trying to think their clinginess was platonic and normal and it never bothered Sophia so it was just a friend thing, even if she wished it was more.

She still had failed to notice that Sophia felt similar as she gently nuzzled her back, taking the gin from her and beginning to drink some, wishing it would make her bolder, the urge to say her feelings was getting stronger and stronger, especially as they continued to drink the gin, talking and giggling together as the night dragged on.

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