Chapter One 12th May 2019

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Nathaniel Bennett reads over the morning newspaper once again, blinking in utter surprise. He reads over the title on the front page; Two found dead at The Hart Hotel. He places the newspaper gently onto the table, looking at the paper in utter disbelief. His hands begin to shake, it can't be... surely it can't be... he thinks in horror, swallowing the bile that's in his throat. His heart tightens, as though it's twisting more and more as his eyes linger on the bold words on the newspaper, his breath catching in his throat. His ears pound with the sound of his heartbeat; boom-boom, boom-boom, boom-boom. His body follows his hands, edging on the ends of his nerves. He closes his eyes shut; trying to cast out the memory of that place, his stomach sinking. The weight of this news pushes down on him, hard, he begins to feel himself being pushed down further into his seat. He runs his hands over his face, his unshaven wiry stubble pricks at his palm. Of course, it was The Hart House when he first met that dreadful place. It wasn't that long ago; five and a half years since it was renovated into a hotel from the remaining Hart family. Nathaniel squeezes his hands tight into fists.


He slams his hands against the smooth wooden table in anger, his nostrils flaring as he digs his nails into the palm of his hands. People all over the café look up from their breakfast, giving him a wary look. He looks around frantically and relaxes, letting his tense shoulders fall. His face pales as he releases his hands from their tight grip and places them flat out onto the table. He tries to give them a fake smile and a nod, most went back to their meals and some whisper amongst themselves, glancing at him from across the room.

Nathaniel looks down, averting his gaze from the newspaper and rests his eyes on his empty breakfast plate.

"Now, now; there's no need to get yourself worked up. Is there?" the elderly woman says gently across from him. Nathaniel looks up at her, sadness drapes over his eyes as tears begin to form. She brushes a strand of white curly hair behind her pointed left ear, her green cardigan unbuttoned and her white blouse crisp and straight. She has a number of golden and silver rings covering her fingers on both her left and right hand. She taps the table and smiles, her grin toothy.

"It's only the news, bad things happen in the news all the time," she assures. Nathaniel doesn't reply, his mind wandering elsewhere as he looks over to his right. A waitress, tall, brunette walks over in her black uniform and apron. She stops at his table and gives him a small smile; "Is there anything I can get for you?" she asks him softly. Her eyes darting around to the other customers as she cautiously turns her attention back to him. Nathaniel shakes his head and looks back down at the newspaper in front of him.

"Actually, I would like-" the woman across from him perks up, but the waitress turns on her heels and walks over to another table. The woman's face grew bright red, "How rude!" she exclaims to Nathaniel. "I have been waiting here for the past couple of hours and she still hasn't asked what I want!" the woman shouts loudly, hoping the waitress will overhear her. Nathaniel shakes his head sadly at the woman and looks her in the eyes, "She can't see you" he whispers quietly, looking around him to see if anyone had heard him. The woman gives him an odd look and leans forward, "She can, you can see me... so she can see me". Nathaniel shakes his head once again at her, "You don't understand... you're not here on this plane," he informs her quietly, looking around him to see if anyone notices him talking to himself.

"What do you mean?" she asks, a confused look coats her pale face.

"Your essence is here on this plane, but you as you were are not," he emphasises, waving his hand around him.

The woman smacks her hands on the table; "That is simply not true! How dare you try to frighten me like that!". Her face reddens, as she huffs; "Trying to frighten a woman of my age, how dare you!".

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