Chapter Two A call and a funeral

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It takes Nathaniel an hour before he's back in the countryside, he feels weird being here again after a year. He pulls over the car, as it lifts up to the right slightly as the wheels go up on the pavement. He turns the car key and the engine cuts out. "What is it?" Beatrice asks, turning to face Nathaniel. He clears his throat, "I don't have a cell phone, so I need to use a payphone". He places his hand on the silver handle and pauses, turning back to Beatrice; "Will you wait here? It's kind of private".

She nods, "Don't want to piss you off seeing how you're the only person I've met so far that can talk to me". Nathaniel didn't reply, instead, he pushes the car door open and gets out; slamming the door shut as he crosses the road to an old payphone.

Its shelter is poor, the plastic of its door cracked and covered in bad graffiti. He opens the door and closes it shut behind him; the hinges squeak as it seals shut. He rummages in his dark blue jeans and pulls out his tattered wallet. He pulls out a couple of pounds and puts them through the slot in the payphone, pressing down on the cold, sticky dials as he memories the number clearly in his head.

The line rings, once, twice, three times. Come on, pick up he begs silently in his head. On the seventh ring, he can hear the crackling on the other end of the phone.

"Hello? Bonnie, it's Nathan..." he listens to the high pitch wail on the other end of the phone and moves the phone away from his ear. He places his index finger in his ear and wiggles it before placing the phone back to his ear. He listens as Bonnie Lemming rattles on, crying hysterically on the other end of the phone. "I know, I've seen the news" he replies in a half-whisper, he looks to his left, but the blurry plastic blocks his view of his car. He listens, the sobbing grows louder on the other end of the line.

"Thank you, Bonnie, ... I was wondering if you knew where the funerals are..." he pauses as she interrupts him. "They're together? It makes sense... I'm going to come back Bonnie, to the Hart House," he informs her, clearing his throat and closing his eyes as she cries on the other end of the line. He didn't speak, afraid that his voice will crack if he does so. He listens carefully to her, and nods to himself; "Thank you so much, Bonnie, I'll be there after the funeral... Oakland Cemetery? What time?".

Nathaniel fiddles with his wallet, placing it in his pocket as he furrows his brows, listening to Bonnie's instructions. "Thank you, Bonnie, I really appreciate it... I know it's... I- I have to go" he thanks, swallowing hard as she says her goodbyes on the other end of the phone. Without another word, he hangs up the scratched-up payphone and sighs. He inhales sharply and lets out a long shaky breath; gripping the plastic door handle as he pushes his way out and heads across the road. Ignoring the oncoming cars in the distance. He swings the driver's door open and gets into the car; slamming the door shut.

"More bad news?" Beatrice asks, leaning forward as she places her hand on Nathaniel's shoulder. He shrugs and leans his elbow against the window as he raises his right hand to his lips in deep thought, he just nods in reply and stares out of the window. She smiles sweetly, "Now, now it's not your fault what happened. I don't understand, did you know the people that died?". He looks at her his eyes reddening; "I use to work there... at the hotel before it was a hotel. It's my fault those people died... I thought I could stop it" he shakes his head, turning to look out of the window. "I was wrong," he whispers in despair; a few droplets of tears trickle down his cheek and disappears into his stubble.

"Well, if you feel that way then put it right, I'm not sure how you say it's your fault but if you want to make amends then put it right," she assures, patting him on the shoulder.

"How can I make it right? What else could I do that I haven't already done?" he asks, his voice breaking.

"Well... I'm not sure on that part, but we'll figure that out when we hit that road," she replies, taking back her hand. Nathaniel puts the car key into the ignition and starts up the car; driving off the curb as he heads towards Oakland cemetery.

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