Chapter Twenty 16th May 2019, 17:15pm.

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Nathaniel closes the bathroom door behind him, "Will only be a few minutes!" he calls out to Janice.

He snaps his attention back to Beatrice, "It's... I wanted to know everything before telling you".

Beatrice says nothing, sitting on the edge of the bath as she stares distantly at the floor.

Nathaniel moves closer to her, lowering himself.

"I'm so sorry Beatrice," he whispers softly, wanting to embrace her.

"I..." she says in barely a whisper, losing her words as she tries to compose herself. Beatrice raises her hand, rubbing at her thin lips and nose.

"How much did you hear?".

"Everything," she whispers, wanting nothing more than to cry, right here and now. But no tears came.

"He... he was my husband," she cries, "how could he?". Beatrice looks down at Nathaniel, "How could he do this to them?".

Nathaniel inhales sharply, looking up into her saddened crystal blue eyes.

"He... he looked after me when I was dying," she whispers, her body beginning to shake.

"He looked after me and when he knew I wasn't going to make it, he-he- "she chokes, "he put a pillow over my face".

Beatrice moves both her hands to cover her nose and mouth, "Oh god, how could he be so evil".

"You remember?".

Beatrice looks at him, her stare cold and calculous.

"I remember everything".

"I... can't think of the right words to say," he whispers, "you don't... none of you deserved any of what happened to you all".

"I hope he rots in hell," Beatrice spits.

"Be careful now, hatred can do some horrible things to a soul over time," Nathaniel warns.

Beatrice sighs, "I just can't believe I wasted my whole life with him... I could never have thought he would have..." she pauses, swallowing hard, "how could I had been so blind?".

"How could any decent human being do that to you? Don't blame yourself, you're such a wonderful woman and right now, I want to help you...." He glances at the bathroom door, "both of you".

"I... want to help her but...." Beatrice looks away from him, "I need a bit of time to compose myself".

"That's understandable... would you want to talk to her?" he asks sheepishly.

Beatrice stares at him for a long while, her eyes searching for an answer in his. "I... I can't right now, I just think I need some space".

"Whatever you need right now, I'll support you," he assures, giving her a weak smile.

He jumps back, Beatrice gone as quietly as she came,

"Still not used to it," he murmurs to himself.

He gets up, sighing as he edges towards the bathroom door, opening it as he peers outside into his room in hope that Janice doesn't run.

To his surprise, she sits there reading through the article as though reading her very real nightmares.

"Sorry about that," he says closing the door behind him.

"It's alright," replies Janice, not taking her eyes off the papers spread out in front of her.

Nathaniel can see the hesitation in her, as she coughs, clearing her throat, "Was it her?".

Nathaniel nods, unsure of what to say to her. But Janice doesn't pry any further than that.

"You know, meeting her, coming here, and running into you, it's been so... strange," he muses, walking over to the bed and sits on the other side to her.

"It is," she agrees, her tone flat.

Nathaniel smooths out the crinkles in the quilt, feeling the softcover.


He turns, catching her soft brown enticing eyes, "Yeah?".

"What happened here? With the parents... and all the deaths?" she asks so softly; her velvety voice caresses his ears.

"I... well it's a long story," he says, looking away.

She reaches out, her soft fingers gently graze the back of his hand.

"I have time".

He tries to give her a genuine smile, but it falters, "I don't know where to start".

"Any part is ok with me, you've heard my story, it's time to tell yours," she says, her voice as light as a feather.

A small smile dances on his lips, her hand resting on top of his. It sends a jolt of electricity up his nerves, his heart beginning to race as he gasps.

"I... it's better if I show you," he says, pulling away his hand. Nathaniel jumps off the bed, quickening around to the ottoman at the bottom of the bed and flips the lid.

Janice hesitates for a moment, her hand still lingering where his once was. She moves, shimmying off the bed, pushing off, and walks towards it. Peering inside as Nathaniel takes out the red file, "There's a paper one on the floor near the top end of the bed," he says.

Janice watches on, as he drops it onto the bed. He grabs a small paper bag, tossing it on the bed too.

"What's that one?" Janice asks, pointing at the bright red leather journal sticking out from a pile of notebooks.

"That's the kid's mother's journal," he breathes, forgetting all about it. He reaches in, grabbing hold of it as he takes it out.

He runs his fingertips along the now tattered hem of the book.

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