1 - The Ceremony

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Hi so, this chapter is probably boring, but the next will be better, promise, I hope.
Yes, I promise this I will Re-write this. I like keeping promises. Unlike some people around me. Anyway let's start hey. Skip to after the chapter where I  announced the rewrite. It will start there.

Standing in front of the gods, the greek one's that is- would normally be intimidating with the power they seem to radiat But not at this moment. Why you must ask, you'll see.

am the only one left of the Seven, me- Perseus 'Percy' Jackson. My friends, family and love of my life, Annabeth, is dead. Why couldn't I just die with them? Why must the fates be so cruel? Their evil plans to make my life worse by the day.

I have lost the happy mirth in my eyes, and was replaced by a quiet and broken shell of a person. I don't speak much or somedays not at all. I wake up screaming, drenched in sweat, and cry myself asleep. Then repeat.

"Perseus-" Zeus started

"percy" I corrected out of habit. I could see the annoynce spread across his face.

"Percy... it has come to this moment of the meating. So we offer you godhood again. Do you accept?" his tone expressing in a way that says 'you dare deny, but I don't really care.' and looks at me.

"I decline Uncle" he seems to have expected me to deny again but I guess he didn't expect it to be so straight forward. "But I have a wish, and is within your power so don't worry" Zeus nodded and gestured me to continue with the wave of his hand "Combine the two camps. Give Hades and Hestia's throne back and release the peaceful titans, for the second time" I mumbled the last part but a few of the gods heard that and snickered.

Zeus nodded "Well I believe that was the end of the cer-" he was cut of by my father hitting his trident on the white marble.

I raised an eyebrow looking at him. "I want to make her my Lieutenant of the army of Atlantis and live in my palace. Anyone disagree." he looked around in the room at the other gods to see no complaints from them. No one wants to anger the sea god. "Do you agree daughter?" he looks more hopeful than before.

I can decline, but I don't want to go to camp. To many memories of the people I lost. And being his lieutenant will keep me busy and not bore me to death.

I sighed "I accept father" I finnaly said and he beamed with joy. Well as much as you can beam with a straight face. I got the feeling like I'm going to regret making this choice sooner rather than later. Just a feeling in my gut. 

"Anything else" Zeus asked not very happy to be interrupted by anyone. He doesn't look like he want be here anymore. "There is actually. There are a few gods here that wants to give their personal gifts to our young hero." Hestia chipped in much to the disappointment of Zeus. 'Gifts? All I need is mental therapy.' *sigh* "I'll go first" Hestia exclaimed walking from the hearth in her 8 year old form. She seems happy that I gave her the position of a Olympion. Now she could keep an eye on things better and have a say in important matters.

I crouched down to her eye level and then she took my hands. Her hands were soft and gentle, like a mother. Suddenly I felt comforting warmth and hope spread through my bodyn. "I have not given my blessings to anyone yet, so I have no knowledge of what powers you have earned but I have a suspicion." I stood with a shocked expression. Being blessed by a god is a very big thing. I knelt back down and gave her a quick hug and mumbled a thank you in her ear. I could feel her smiling as she hugged back.

Athena came from her throne and stood before me for a silent minute. She looked just like Annabeth, just with black hair. She pulled me into a hug and I felt my mind cleared up form an invisible fog, I don't know how.  She pulled away and looked at me "I know you loved my daughter, so you deserve my blessings even if I didn't like you before."

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