3 - Hestia's offer

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---------Percy Pov---------

August 9
4:16 pm

"There is something I want to give you, Percy. It's your choice if you want to accept it or turn it down." I looked at her and nodded.
"I'm willing to hear you out Milady." Hestia just sighed, a content smile on her face.
"I'm never going to get you to drop the Lady on my title, am I?" I just shook my head.

"What I want to give you, is my full blessing." I scrunched my eyebrows together. I've never heard of something like that.
"I want to give you the gift of the hearth. Before you ask why I will explain." I closed my mouth again.

"The hearth has chosen you as a worthy holder of its power. Meaning you will acquire the power over pyrokinesis, the control over the hearth's blaze. To be able to teleport to the place you call home, even here where the Hearth resides. To be able to give those around you a feeling of hope or take away their hope. Lastly, food generation and cooking skills."

I looked at her in shock. The Hearth deemed me worthy of its power.
"No." Hestia looked over in shock. It hurt me to see that look on her face. I can't accept it as I will only become hated by it. All those around me die.
"I can't take it, My Lady. What makes me so worthy of its power."

Hestia only smiled before she answered
"This exact reaction is proof of one reason. You would rather give than take. I felt your emotions when the twins and Athena gave you some of their abilities. You were reluctant to take it but still took it in order not to anger them."

I only shook my head. What do these things see in me? First the sword, and now this. I only bring death to those around me.

"The second reason is your will to protect those you love. You would do anything for them." I only sat tensely on my spot. Watching as the rich flames danced around me.

"You have a kind heart, Percy. Don't ever lose that. Loyal to your family. You are a son every parent wishes to have. Your mother is lucky to have you." My heart ached as tears started to fall down my cheeks. I shut my eyes as I struggled to hold in my sobs.

"I just wish it was me that died, not them." 
"If you were to die in their spot, people will be heartbroken. Would you want those you love to feel what you are feeling right now?" I only shook my head wildly. I don't want others to suffer as I do. But I also don't want to feel all this pain in my chest. I pulled my knees to my chest. I just want to curl up and let the world fade away.

Was I a bad kid? Did I do something to deserve all this suffering I'm going through? If it is, why should those around me be hurt by it?

I swear, I swear I'm a good kid.
"It's alright Percy. You did nothing wrong. What you need now, is those around you, to help you. Allow me to help you now." She placed her hand on the back of my head and pulled me into a hug. A feeling of comfort and calmness spread through my body as I started to relax more.

A humorless laugh escaped my throat.
"It's the first time someone has ever offered to help me." She just hugged me tightly. A comforting silence fell over the two of us.

"I'll take it" I mumbled after a minute, not releasing the hug. A warm air surrounded me as I felt a new energy flow through my veins. It is mixing with the energy of the sea. Helping and guiding each other, gave me an understanding of the new power that entered my body.

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