3 - My Duty's Begin

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I'm looking right at my father waiting for him to start talking. My adhd was starting to act up so I was just going to start.

"Dad, need some help with something?" I asked, trying not to slam the door in his face. I still couldn't believe he would yell at me and then he would also pull out the God card in my face.

"You're duty's will begin tomorrow morning. I know I said a week, but we have a few problems we need to sort out and we need to start your training." he answered. If I weren't a war hardened veteran I would not have noticed he weren't himself. He seem to stare in the distance.

" Thank you father, I'll see you in the morning, goodnight." I made a slight courtesy, but I probably looked like a baby giraffe drinking water. He only nodded and walked off.

I closed the door and went to sleep.


I watched Triton and Ampitetre were in a secret room in the palace.

'I know you don't like her, but you need to accept that she is also a heir to the throne. And she is your half-sister, you can't drive her away.' she said to her son. She seems wary of her son I noticed.

They were talking about me. It seems at though Triton wants me to leave and his mother want us to bond witch is wierd because I'm her husband's daughter so it means he technically cheated on her.

'I don't care mother, she needs to go. I don't care how, but I will get her out of here. Even if it meens killing her.' he told her and he seems determined to make me leave. Willing to kill me? I need to be a bit more careful around him. He might try something.

'Don't kill her and don't drive her away. Your father will be devastated. The world above will be in ruins. Also you need to release your hold on your-'

The dream changed and I was just standing in a void of space. 'Prepare yourself hero, choose your path carefully, your fate comes at a crossroad.' the voice sounded very ancient, older than anything I have ever heard. Older than Tartarus himself.

The mere presence of the voice felt like my mind were being ripped apart by the sheer power the being emmits.

I woke with with a start holding my head in pain. I've never felt this much pure power in one place and it was only the voice's presence.

I was suppressing a scream, but it looks like I failed cause the gaurds that are usually stationed outside my door came in hurryingly looking for an intruder of some sort.

The pain in my head became worse and I saw the gaurds talk to me but I didn't hear anything. I said something that I only hope was 'get my father'.

Few minutes later I finnaly couldn't hold back my screems as the pain only increased the more I suppressed the pain. The screams flared my powers and the pain seems to go away slowly.

My powers got forced out and before they could get out of hand my father came in and took control to the water. He was struggling to hold me back with his own control.

I finnaly stopped screaming and my throat was sore and my head was throbbing in my scull. I felt a pair of arms around me but I couldn't comprehend who was hugging me.

I weren't in my mind for a few minutes, it might have been hours, I wouldn't know.

I looked up and stared at the worried face of my father. I slowly let go of the hug and drew my hand through my hair. Or what was my hair as I probably ripped it in half. Great, time to get a new haircut. Again. Note the sarcasm.

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