5 - Monster Hunting

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When I woke up I saw my father looking at me in amusement. "I almost got a heart attack dad" he chuckled softly and shook his head.

"Come on sleepyhead, you missed breakfast. For the first time you slept in. I'm starting to think you are feeling better sense you've been here" I slowly nodded my head. Not sure to tell him my nightmares still haunt me. Wait.

"I missed breakfast!?" I jumped up from my bed so quickly I actually vapor traveled to behind the dressing screen. Good thing to, I'm half naked.

I quickly got changed and followed my dad to... Dinner? "Is this a feast? I think missed the invite." my dad only rolled his eyes at me. 'I'm glad she's talking more'

Wait, did-did I just read his mind? Oh, great, another power I discovered. I assume it's from Athena, because she had children that could read other kids minds.

I sat down on a chair next to my father, on the oth side of Triton. 'who does she think she is, she need to leave.' I heard his thoughts while he was scowling at me. Eh I've seen worse from a puppy. He needs to meat Lupa. Speaking of her in need to visit the Romans. And my other brother.

I started eating until swarms of other nobles thoughts rushed into my head. Quite painfully I might add. I tried to block it out but it was too overwhelming. I excused myself and quickly swam to my room.

I closed the door behind me and tried to block out the thoughts. How I was still hearing it, I won't know. I held my head in my hands and dropped to my knees.

I could feel my mental walls breaking that I set up for myself to not hear the voices that cept plaguing my mind over and over again.

I finnaly surpressed the thoughts but at a cost. And a heavy one. The only thing that kept me a little bit sane is gone.

Why could've you save us

You're a murderer

Help Percy, save me please

I shook my head, tears falling down my face.


That voice, it's Annabeth's

You could have saved us. Why did you only help yourself. Your a monster. Do you remember Tartarus, when you controlled the poison to let her drown in it.

I got pulled into a flashback and one I'm not proud of

'Percy stop!' I didn't hear Annabeth scream at me. 'Percy!' that got my attention and I saw that I was doing. I was choking her in her own poison. I was so angry I couldn't focus.

'I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to' I took a step towards her but she took a step back, fear deep in her eyes. I had so supress a sob, it hurt me to she her afraid. What made it worse she was afraid of me

I got pulled out of my flashback by me father shaking me. Tears falling freely from my eyes. It hurt so much to see her like that.

"Percy! Are you alright, you haven't come out of your room for the last 8 hours" I looked up at him and he snuck a breath in. My eyes looked broken. I know, I saw it in the mirror a week after the war.

I nodded at him to say I'm fine. He let out a breath of relief and hugged me. "sorry dad. Didn't mean to worry you. Think I'm going to take a nap." he looked like he didn't want to leave me alone but eventually nodded and closed the door when he left.

I got into bed and buryed my head in my pillow and cept sobbing. When I was done crying my eyes out I got ready to sleep. After half an hour of helplessly trying to sleep I got up and went to my father's study.

I stepped inside and knocked on the doorframe. "Hi dad." he looked up and smiled at me before gesturing at the seat across from him.

"How may I help my little princess" I felt myself slightly go red from embarrassment and playfully glared at him

"I wanted to know if I could help you with some papers. Just wanted to het busy sence I missed all my lessons for today." I started figiting under his sudden change of personality. Great, under the control of the mistery person again. He then nodded and I went to work.

I was working until my mind went blank. When I got back to reality I noticed I did about 300 papers, in four hours. Wow. I'm starting to like Athena's blessing.

I suddenly got up startling my dad in the process. Back to normal I suppose. "Hey dad, I thing I'm going to to monster hunting to let of some steam." he nodded and I started walking away. Before I went out of the room my dad called me.

"Get some armor in the armory, just so you can be safe please." I just nodded and waved at him. I quickly found it and went inside.

Oh dam, this is advanced. I walked around looking for something that will probably fit me, then I stumbled upon a door that read in Atlantian.

Princess's armor

Well, that's convenient. I opened the door and saw deep black and silver armor.

OK, seems like my dad went over board with protection

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OK, seems like my dad went over board with protection. It's like hunting clothes and armor in the same thing.

I put it on and clipped the straps on. I fit me like a glove. I don't want to know.

I vapor traveled to a random forest. I sat down on the grass and closed my eyes, extending my sences, using my ability to look through the water in the air. It's my eyes. Can use it if I ever go blind.

I searched for a bit when I found a small pack of hell hounds not far from here. I got up and quietly walked towards the monsters.

I came in a small clearing upon sleeping hounds. I got closer when I suddenly stepped on a stick waking them all up. I cursed under my breath for my stupidity. I took out Riptide and pointed it at them, in a ready stance.

They surrounded me and one by one they pounced at me. I sliced at one's led while dodging one swiping at my head. I slid on the ground stabbing one in the chest as it turned to dust, making me golden.

I finished the one without the leg and kicked another in the face. I slashed one across the side and stabbed one through the head. Both turning to dust.

One jumped at me and bit down on my sword arm, denting my armor and slowly crushing my arm. I reached for the dagger I always carry on me and stabbed it in the eyes, turning to dust. The last one slashed across my chest while I was occupied with another one, ripping the armor like it was butter and making a deep gash on my chest.

I stabbed the last one in the back turning to dust. Monsters stink, was all I thought as I collected water from a puddle close-by and almost sealing the wound.

I took off the arm gaurd to inspect my right arm. It's sore. Probably cracked from the pressure.

There was a crack behind me and I spun around in a defense stance. "Who's there?" I asked in the darkness. Rustling came from all around me and I got ready for a fight.

Another chapter done.

Who do you think is with Percy in the forest?


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