4 - Change of Scenery

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  ------3rd Pov------

When Triton was tasked by his father to wake up his half-sister came as a shock to him. First, his half-sister is staying here, and second, he had to go wake up the incompetent girl.

He grumbled under his breath towards her room. The servants and other sea creatures gave him strange looks as he swam by. He made it to the girl's door and knocked on it. He waited for a second before his knuckles slammed against the rough door once more.
"Perseus get your unwelcome ass up!" He howled through the door hoping she would hear him. When he got no answer his brow twitched. Stupid demigods.

All those swimming by gave Triton strange side glances but did not move to ask anything of him. It wasn't every day you saw the messenger of Poseidon yelling at a door with his tail-fin swinging wildly. If there is anything they had picked up from the son of Poseidon is this: when his tail is swinging around he is either angry or annoyed and it would be their cue to leave.

Triton gripped the handle and ripped the door off its hinges. When he swam through he had not expected to find the room drained of all the water. That being said, he face-planted to the floor.
"For the love of my father!" He complained as he sat up, turning his bottom half into legs. He stood up and marched to the door, where his (ugh) sister was located and sleeping.

He stormed through the door, this time not ripping the door from its hinges. His one brow twitched from the animosity of his sister's state. He saw her sleeping on the floor, next to the perfect bed she was supposed to be sleeping on!

He stepped closer to her buried under the sheets. He sneered as he looked at the girl, definitely not happy.
"Perseus," He dragged, biting the inside of his mouth to try and quench the anger rising in his chest
"Would you get off the floor" he instructed through gritted teeth.

Percy turned around and mumbled to the person waking her.
"Five more minutes."
Triton gaped (like the fish he was) at his sister. Why is he gentle with her? Skrew her little nap, he's a god. He will not be told what to do by some measly demigod.

Raising his foot in an attempt to kick her on the side to wake her up.    -(Also to have the pleasure of seeing the girl in pain.)

When his foot was mere inches away from Percy's side, she rolled over to the side, her pen's cap off as it elongated into its full length. In a swift arc, whistling through the air at lightning quicknesses, the sword went in the direction of Triton's neck.

His eyes went wide when he saw the bronze sword headed in his direction. Triton dodged backwards as the blade passed by his neck harmlessly.

Percy, seemingly in a dazed state of mind, didn't know who she was attacking as her sharp flurries passed dangerously close to Triton's limbs.

Triton jumped back, putting distance between the two of them. The only reason he wasn't smiting the ever-loving schist out of her, was his father would have his head on a royal platter.

The room went silent as the two looked at each other.
"What happened?" Percy asked as she glanced at the marks left by her sword on the walls and floor. She capped the sword and placed it back in her pocket.

"Excellent question. How bout we start with you wanting to cut off my head!" Triton exclaimed while summoning his trident into his hand, just in case Percy attacks him again.

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