Chapter Ten

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Hey! Sorry again for the super slow updates, I changed my username from 'Cakevines' to 'Nightchiime'. I might change it back though, Nightchiime sounds a bit too modern, plus, I've been Cakevines for almost two years. To make up for it, here's a picture of Breakfast Whale Shark.


"You...!" A voice called shakily, just as Jasmine made sure the door was closed properly. She spun around, briefly whipping herself in the face with her own hair. Jasmine didn't recognize him, but he obviously knew her. And what she was capable of. He was no doubt an Apollo kid, with semi-messy blonde hair, freckles, and bright blue eyes wide with fear.

"Uhh, hi?" She waved shortly, not sure if she should attack or try and play innocent. But something told her he already knew what she did. "You took Percy, didn't you?!" He reached into his pocket hastily, fumbling around with a few different things before taking something out.

Jasmine didn't stay put long enough to find out what it was. She lunged forward and grabbed his arm, yanking his hand out of his pocket, essentially dropping whatever it was he was holding. "Stand down!" It wasn't intentional, but there was charmspeak in her voice.

  As told, the boy stopped what he was doing and stood still, but didn't calm his panicked expression. Dragging him by the arm, she flung open the Artemis door and tossed him inside. "Now, we can't have you telling anyone about this, can we?" She smirked.


"W-what do you mean?! Nico?!" Percy stuttered, taking a few steps back. Nico blinked absent-mindedly. "Are you high?" "No, are you high? How do you not remember me? I ruined your life!" Nico rolled his eyes. "My life isn't that bad!" He protested. "Who the hell posessed you?" He took a couple more steps away, but he already knew this was Jasmine's doing. But just what did she do? Well, besides removing him from Nico's brain.

  "I-I need to go." Percy stuttered, pushing by Nico. Surely Jasmine could not've brainwashed everyone, could she? Looking around, he realized he had jinxed it. Everyone was silently walking in a proper manner, like they've never slaughtered monsters before. "What the hell happened here?" Again, Nico rolled his eyes. "Everyone else is sober." He said like it was obvious. "Jasmine," Percy turned to Nico, "where is she?" "I don't know." He shrugged.
"Wait, you know her?"
"Duh, she's been here for years, drunk man."
"I'M NOT- nevermind, where is the most likely place she'd be?" "
"Why would I tell you?"
"...She ordered an amazon package. I'm here to deliver it."

Nico stared at Percy intently, making sweat trickle down his forehead. Then, Nico shrugged reassuringly. "Seems legit. Artemis Cabin." Artemis? Why would she be there? "Why?" "Don't know, don't care. Have a bad day." On that note, Nico moonwalked away from the conversation, and into the camp full of mindless half-bloods. Nothing left to wait for, Percy told himself, following Nico.

  None of them were smiling.
  Just plain, emotionless expressions pasted on their faces. "What happened...?" Percy muttered, to himself more than anyone else. "Society." A voice among the crowd told him, no effort of humour in their voice. "Oh."


"What do you mean he wasn't there?!?" Annabeth shouted, gripping onto some of her hair in distress. Leo had decided not to tell the rest about the pictures Percy had left behind. "I mean he left." But upon seeing Annabeth's worried face, he was beginning to regret his decision. Annabeth calmed down, and stared him right in the eyes, sending a shiver down his back.

  "You saw something. What was it?" Dam it. "I didn't see anything." Leo lied again. Apparently he was a bad liar, because Annabeth's storm grey eyes saw right through his palter. "What did you see?" She repeated, more serious than before. Leo sighed, giving in. "Percy left a drawing." Annabeth's firm expression turned confused and she loosened up.

  "A drawing? Really? Of what?" She put a hand on her hip, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. Leo did jazz hands. "Of a kidnapping!" That didn't satisfy Annabeth. "Well, duh. We already know he was kidnapped." "HE WAS KIDNAPPED?" Jason butted it.

  Annabeth corrected herself, "Most of us know he was kidnapped. Any clues as to who did it?" Leo banged his fist against his forehead, trying to remember what she looked like. "Black ponytail, dark skin, pink dress, and... uhh..." That's all he could remember. "That's all. Percy's a bad drawer, anyway." He waved his hand. "We did it. We found where he was. We should just turn back now." Leo was cut off by Annabeth. "Stop," She said firmly, "why did you leave it?"
"The picture, why did you leave it?"
"It started raining, and the paper got all sog-" He interrupted himself after turning back to the barrier, only to find that there wasn't any rain at all. "-gy..."


Jasmine tossed the scarf from one hand the the other. She hadn't even begin to start her plan to take control of camp. Now, she would just have to brainwash everyone else, but she'd have to be careful.

  Everyone was still on edge from Percy's disappearance, she couldn't go around saying: 'Hey! Wanna follow me into this super weird cabin with no one inside? Don't worry, It'll be fun!'

  Maybe she could temp people in, though. She could pretend to have a 1,000 piece lego set, and people would come flocking in! Jasmine looked down. No, that wouldn't work. Dumb half bloods probably don't care about small plastic bricks. Uncultured swines. She looked out the window of the Aphrodite Cabin.

  No one seemed to notice the Goddesses scarf in her hand, thank goodness. Outside the freshly wiped window, demigods laughed and chatted about, completely oblivious as to what was coming their way. Those stupid people really chose the most powerful heroes to go on a quest, leaving camp completely unprotected.

  Jasmine tucked her mum's scarf under her pillow, and started towards the door. Just as she reached for the doorknob, a squeaky voice called from behind her. "Just where do you think you're going?" Jasmine rolled her eyes. Great.


   "Right. The paper got soggy." Annabeth put her hands on her hip and gave Leo a cold look. "What? It was just raining a few second ago, I swear!" Annabeth just sighed in annoyance at Leo's confusion. "Whatever. Is that all you saw?" She said.

  Leo though for a second before responding. "Well, there was a chair, with some rope at the bottom. It had blood on it." Annabeth clasped her hands together. "So it's official this was a kidnapping?" She questioned, earning mumbles of approval from the group. Leo nodded. "That's all that could be useful. We should just turn back now."

  Without a word, everyone began to walk back where they came from. Instead of the long, dry plains there should've been, there were rocky mountains towering overhead, casting shadows upon them. "What the...?" Thalia mumbled. This wasn't here before. Some murmurs arose from the group as they glanced around, wondering where these had come from.

Then, realisation struck. They were trapped. The mountain blocked all exits, leaving them closed in. On instinct, Piper leaped up and ran towards the nearest one, and began pounding on the boulders. "Let me out!"

  The others caught up shortly, but instead stood at the base and looked up. It was too tall to climb, and too big to move.

  "Hmm." Annabeth inspected, one hand scratching the right of her neck. After a quick look around, she noticed something unusual. "Look! An exit!" She gasped excitedly pointing to a large tunnel not more than thirty feet away.

  Without a word, the rest began following Annabeth to the entrance. They stopped in front of it, making an unspoken agreement to step inside. Annabeth locked eyes with everyone, nodding just as they did, before advancing into the dark passageway.

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