Chapter Four

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Percy's POV

I awakened to see I was still strapped to the chair. I sighed, still not having a plan. I was still too tired to do anything, so I just weakly tugged at the rope. Was there seriously nothing I could do? I had to get out, and warn the rest. Ah yes. You deserve an explanation on what happened. Here's how it went:

You see, at Yancy Academy I bumped into Jasmine after being late for class. Apparently she was in a rush to get somewhere, so she jumped up and started racing down the halls, not even taking a glance at me.

  I was a bit angry, since she didn't even acknowledge my existence. Anyways, I just planned to get a little revenge. I didn't expect it to go that far.

  I propped a water bucket on the top of the door, hoping she would just open it and it would fall, just getting her a little wet. Turns out it didn't work on her. She just slipped through the door which was already ajar, not even touching it to sit down in her seat.

  However, when the TEACHER walked in, she slammed the door open, getting herself soaked. I wasn't sure why, but Jasmine was blamed, and it's not like I'm going to admit it I put it there.

  I'm pretty sure she figured out it was me after two weeks of detention, and she was pretty pissed about it, so she decided to get me back. She went pretty extreme, and actually put a dog poop (In a bag, of course) on the teachers desk and labeled my name. (Poor teacher) Of course, it was immediately my fault.

  After that it was history. We would do anything possible to annoy each other, and this once I did something that- let's just say it was so bad that she actually moved schools.

  I just didn't expect her to go this far! I mean, kidnapping? That's a bit much. She's gonna have it coming when I get out of here.

  I looked around the room, trying to find any possible way to get out. Think! What did Annabeth tell you when you weren't listening? Ah. That's right, I wasn't listening, so I DON'T KNOW what she told me!

  I could easily get that water out of the flower pot, but what could I do with that? I could use it to annoy her even more, but that wouldn't be such a good idea. Plus, Jasmine could come back any minute, and if she sees me trying to escape, who knows what she'll do?

Jasmine's POV

  Today's the day. I just need to steal Aphrodite's scarf, and I'll be unstoppable! But the question is, where could it be? I guess I'll just charmspeak some campers into telling me.

  You might be wondering why I did all this. The truth is, it's not because I hate Percy. In fact, it's the opposite. Once I take over camp, he'll finally be mine! Big plot twist, huh? No? Awh. I tried, okay?

  Ever since I found out I could charmspeak, I've been training, just trying to get people to do small favors at first. After that, I started to demand bigger things. Now after all these years, I'm finally strong enough to take over camp! I snickered evilly and waltzed out if my cabin with a grin on my face.

  The first person I see will be my slave. I went to the arena first, there was most likely to be stronger campers there.

  Stabbing straw dummies violently, there was the one and only Clarrise La Rue. The perfect target.

  "Oh Clarrise~" I called in an innocent voice behind her. "What do you noob want?" Clarrise rolled her eyes at me. Little does she know...

  "Come here!" I didn't put that much power in my voice, I had to save that for later.

  As told, Clarisse walked over to me. "Now, put the weapon on the floor!" Again, she didn't hesitate to drop it in her tracks.

  "Now, throw it away." She picked it up again and threw it as far as she could. Perfect. Now what to do with her?

  I thought for a minute, then an evil grin appeared on my face. I needed to check if people are still worried about even after the note, so I could just get Clarisse to check on them for me!

  "Clarisse, go check on Annabeth, but make sure she doesn't see you, then go behind the Poseidon cabin and tell me what she's doing." I demanded. 

  I watched her a little to make sure she was going to the Athena cabin, then snuck behind the Poseidon to wait for her.

  About five minutes later, Clarisse FINALLY came back! Took her long enough. She basically told me that she seemed fine and nothing was wrong, yada yada yada. Seems that the letter worked.

  Of course, I couldn't have Clarisse going and telling everybody what I did, so she was now my mindslave. Pretty soon, this would happen to everyone.

  Now, I couldn't let Percy starve, so I grabbed some food, stuffed it into a messenger bag and headed back to the cave, slowly opening the door.

  "When I untie you, you will eat the food, and sit back down." I said. I put the bag on the floor, and began to untie him.

  He stood up lifelessly and began to eat. I smiled, waiting for him to finish so I could get back to camp.

  It took him awhile, but he finally took the last bite out of a piece of white bread and sat back down. I began to re-tie him and left.

  It's not going to be long before the rest of them become my slaves as well.

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