Chapter Two

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Jasmine wandered back to Camp Half Blood, as if nothing had happened. For the past 10 years she had been training for this moment. The moment when she would get her revenge on Percy Jackson.

  You might be wondering 'Well what exactly happened?' (Or you might be thinking of what food you're gonna have next), but that's a whole different story. A story that you're going to hear very soon.

  Anyways, Jasmine was meant to meet Annabeth, Mr. D, and Chiron outside the Big House after Nico gave her the tour, but he ditched her halfway through, so she decided to just explore a little alone. (Thanks for giving her the opportunity to kidnap your friend, Nico)

Now where could the Big House be? She whispered to herself. Every cabin looked like a big house, so instead she just asked a few other campers.

She found a short girl with long, wavy, dark brown hair in pigtails. She was wearing an oversized Camp Half Blood t-shirt and jean shorts, so Jasmine asked her.

"Hello! Don't mind me asking, but do you know where the Big House is? I'm meant to meet someone there." She asked. The girl turned around, only to have to look up to face Jasmine.

"O-Oh! Uhm, it's right over there." She pointed at large blue house behind her.

"Thanks!" Jasmine then skipped toward the building, where Mr. D and Chiron were playing pinochle, while Annabeth was tapping her foot on the porch.

"Took you long enough!" Dionysus crossed his arms, looking up at her. "Heh, sorry. I got lost." She scratched the back of her head, just enough so she wouldn't ruin her hair.

"Lost? Wasn't Nico supposed to show you around?" Annabeth didn't actually look too confused, as if she had seen it coming.

"Well...." Jasmine looked down. Annabeth sighed. "Again? This is the third camper this week. And there has only been three new campers."

"If you knew he would ditch me, then why did you let him show me around?" Jasmine asked.

"I figured one of these days he would actually do his job correct." Annabeth facepalmed, making her curly golden hair bounce.

"Annabeth, why don't you show this young lady cabin 11? She will be staying there for now." Chiron has a rather mature voice, as if he had been to the gates of Hell and back.

  Annabeth walked off the porch, and for a second Jasmine thought she had forgotten about her, until she made a hand gesture, telling her to follow.

  She did so, trailing behind her until the daughter of Athena stopped in front of an old looking cabin with chipped brown paint. Above the door there was a wooden staff with dove wings, and what looked to be green snakes spiraling around it.

When they walked in, all the talking stopped, and everyone stared at Jasmine. She felt a bit awkward, so she just waved.

  That's when she started to glow pink. When she stopped, her hair was back in a slick ponytail, and she was wearing an ankle-long flowing pink dress. (I forgot how Aphrodite's claiming works)

  "It's Aphrodite's blessing!" A boy called in the back.

  "Well then. Come with me. We'll be going back to the Big House to show Chiron, then you'll be going to Cabin 10." Annabeth began to walk out the door again.

  When they finally got back, Mr. D and Chiron were still playing pinochle.

  "She got claimed by Aphrodite." Annabeth stated bluntly.

  "I see. Take her to Cabin 10." Chiron stood up, glancing at Jasmine's new outfit.

  "Wait- you're a... horse?" Jasmine stuttered. "I'm a centaur." Chiron wasn't sure what to say next.

She opened her mouth to say something, but Annabeth grabbed her hand to avoid her asking too many questions, bringing her to the Aphrodite cabin. When she burst through the door, many of the campers stopped brushing their hair, choosing outfits and doing makeup to look at them.

  The inside smelled like perfume, with pink walls and pastel blue and green beds. It was fairly clean, except for a few things under the beds such as chocolate wrappers, love notes and a few other things. There were blue dressers separating each twin bed which had some makeup, drawers and a mirror.

  A few campers whispered stuff like: 'Who's that?' 'She's pretty' and even 'What's she doing here?'

"HEY SISTERS!" Jasmine yelled.

  "Wanna help me choose an outfit? I can't decide on what dress to wear!" A girl called from the back. "Of course!" Jasmine squealed.

  That was Annabeth's cue to leave. "If you need anything, come to me or Chiron." That was the last thing she said before she closed the bright pink door.


Percy struggled to get out of Jasmine's little trap, trying to loosen his muscles to wiggle out. How could he fall for that so easily? He began to worry about what she was going to do next. Would she do this to everyone?

One thing was for sure. She definitely had experience with charmspeak. Had she done this before? He just couldn't believe she would go so low to literally kidnap him and try to take over camp!

Dinner was in 30 minutes, so hopefully someone noticed he was missing. No, someone would definitely notice he missing. Dinner was the only thing he wasn't late for. He just had to wait a half hour, and someone would get suspicious and look for him.

Or better! He could crash his own funeral again! But for now he had to think of a way out of here. If only Annabeth were here... He thought. She'd get us out of here.

   But right now he had to think of a plan to get out. Plus, he was pretty hungry, and it didn't look like Jasmine was going to feed him.

  He didn't even know if Jasmine was ever going to come back, or if she'd leave him to die here. He sighed, deciding just to try to sleep, and think of a plan in the morning.

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