Chapter 6

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Savannah stopped dead in her tracks, her breathing was still heavy from all of the kicking, she felt nothing, as if her head wouldn't turn on, her body was limp.

Bucky, too, had broken free from his side as he stood up from his knelt position.

"Soldiers?" The man asked.

"Ready to comply" The two said in sync. Her lips moved without her permission, she blinked without wanting to, her body moved without asking her brain, she just...did.

"Mission report. December 16, 1991." The man asked as Savannah nodded without her consent, the feeling making Savannah grimace.


"Help me" The man said after Savannah and Bucky managed to make the room look messed up and trashed.

"Help." He groaned, thoug he knew his cover was blown when Steve walked in.

"Get up" Steve growled picking him up by his collar and pushing him against the wall.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Steve commanded.

"To see an empire fall." His cue played out as Bucky came out around the corner going to punch Sam. Savannah watched for a moment as if trying to recollect her thoughts.

Bucky threw Sam into the side of the cell, knocking him out cold, then made his way over to Steve.

Savannah took that as her cue to start her mission.

She took off, walking at a fast pace. Bucky had just shoved Steve down the elevator as she walked passed hall after hall.

Savannah and Bucky finally made it to the front entrance where they had to get up the stairway and find the helicopter on the roof.

Bucky fought Sharon as Savannah fought Natasha, the two fighting hard to get up those stairs.

"We're in position" Natasha said into the comms.

Tony came out from behind a wall blasting some sort of sound echo at the two, stunning them for a moment. 

Tony went straight to Bucky first, Bucky managed to pull out Tony's gun shot him in the head, though his bulletproof glasses didn't dent.

Tony looked shocked for a moment before he took out the ammo and smirked at Bucky.

The long haired brunette punched Tony in the face with his arm, then threw him over the tables, sending him through the air.

Savannah had made it up the first set of steps only for Natasha to jump down and get in her way.

A growl escaped Savannah's lips before Natasha made the first move.

Savannah caught Natasha's arm as she twisted it around making the red head spin and drop.

Sharon had been taking her swings at Bucky while Natasha got back up, kneeing Savannah in the stomach making her fall back a bit.

Savannah went forth taking a swing at Natasha while the red head dodged and pushed Savannah over the railing.

One thing Savannah had noticed to be her enemy.

Stupid railing.

Savannah fell slamming her onto a table as Bucky now fought of the cat king.

Natasha had joined Savannah on the broken table as Anna dodged Nat's hits.

Anna managed to swing a hit to Natasha's abdomen, sending the girl into the wall.

Savannah was now somehow in step with Bucky as they walked up the stairs taking two at a time.

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