Chapter 9

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Tony and Steve, Falcon and Rhodey, Bucky and the kitty, Ant-Man and Natasha, Spider-Man, Wanda and Hawkeye, alongside Savannah and Vision. 

They all would switch at some point, back to back teaming, though Tony, Steve, Bucky, and Kitty stayed the same.

Tamara watched nervously as Bucky and the cat, technically King T'Challa, were in the process of fighting.

"I didn't kill your father" Bucky tried.

"Then why did you run?" The cat asked.

He flipped Bucky, before kicking him into a series of boxes. The cat went for the soldiers neck, but before he could touch him he suddenly disappeared. 

He reappeared near the Quinjet where Tamara had somehow managed to grab a bag of popcorn.

"Captain and his enhanced team" the cat muttered still a bit shaky from the portal.

"Its cool once you get used to it" She told him in a matter of factly.

"Thanks Tammy" Bucky panted as he recovered quickly. 

"That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all." Spider-Boy panted.

"Look, kid, there's a lot going on here that you don't understand." Steve started as Tamara face palmed.

Wrong thing to say to anyone

"Mr. Stark said you'd say that." The red and blue boy said before webbing Steve's leg, pulling him to the boy and kicking Steve into the truck.

"He also said to go for your legs." Spider-Boy said as Tamara nodded and slurped her noodles.

"Are you eating right now?" Sam asked as Tamara nodded even though they couldn't see.

"Chinese food is good while watching action movies" Tamara said truthfully. "And pizza, you can't go wrong with pizza" she finished her thought.

"Stark tell you anything else?" Steve asked the kid.

"That you're wrong. You think you're right. That makes you dangerous." The kid said, lunging at Steve only to be hit into the containment unit behind him.

"Guess he had a point." Steve said flicking his shield at the unit making it fall on the kid. He lifted it, surprisingly, catching Tamara in awestruck wonder.

"Well, if you think about it. Stark's a hypocrite, because his ego is bigger than his head and his arrogant ass put together. I mean Tony is just as dangerous as Steve, right?" Tamara said as the rested her chin on the straw of the milkshake she had been drinking.

"You got heart, kid." Steve started.

"Ah, that he does, young Skywalker shall he become" Tamara said making her words jumbled like Yoda's.

"Where you from?" Steve asked Spider-Boy.

"Queens." The boy choked out as he struggled against the unit.

"Oh, I was just there, I even heard about a neighborhood Spider-Man" Tamara said as she licked the ice cream off her spoon.

"Brooklyn" Steve answered before running off.

Tamara twisted her singular ring as she watched the two teams fight against each other.

"I miss Thor, at least he'd have some common sense with battles. He's a king for fucks sake." Tamara said gloomily.

"No you get to the jet, both of you. The rest of us aren't getting out of here." Sam said as Tamara hopped out of the jet.

"He's right" Tamara sighed as she rubbed her hands together creating the normal warmth she needed.

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