c h a p t e r. t h i r t y

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This is an author's note. So, first of all, I would like to address this book. I've been having rather strong writer's block lately and am unsure how to continue this. Am I adding too much into the story? By the end of this whole thing, the plot's going to be as thick as the air when it's awkward. Anyway, I've published another part of story in this universe, do check it out if you can! It's called Fictional | Harry Potter if you're interested. 

Secondly, if it isn't too much it would be helpful if some readers left a little critique / review in this comment thread (is it called that?) here. I really would like to know how you like/dislike the fanfic and how it's going. 

Oh, and thirdly, how do you feel about people dying? 

Enjoy the chapter! 


Days flew by like the fish that swam past the Common Room windows, and all of a sudden the last day of the bet was upon them. 

So, of course, like two very responsible sixth-years with every intention to set a good example for the younger students, they snuck out. 

Liora sat alone in the dorm room, flopping down on her bed and skimming through some books halfheartedly before slamming the last book. Footsteps passed the door and every time, Liora would look up in hope- but no, just some other girls (or guys) returning back to their dorms. 

And then, finally, her boredom was broken by a savior, although it might've not been the one she wanted. 


"Don't look too happy to see me," The boy shrugged. Liora beckoned him into the dorm, shutting the door behind him before taking a dignified seat on the windowsill. 

"No, no, it's not that, it's just I was, um, waiting for someone else." 

"Mirabel?" Regulus quirked an eyebrow knowingly. "Yeah, I get the feeling. So, uh, anyway, I've been meaning to go out to the Forbidden Forest." 

"You came all this way to tell me that?" Liora asked. Regulus gave her a slight smile. "Um, okay, cool- ohhhhh. You mean-" 

"Wanna sneak out to the Forbidden Forest tonight?" 

"I thought you'd never ask." 


"Um, so, why did you want to come out here?" Liora asked. They stood in a clearing, staring at the other directions the forest led off to. Regulus shrugged. 

"Well, for one, I wanted some herbs. Potions," He added to her confused look. His eyes darted around again and his voice lowered as he added something. 

"Um, and I wanted to see the stars. Properly. And, um, they say that centaur ground is a good place to see the stars." 

"Oh," Liora mused. "Well, um-" 

"Sit down," Regulus said softly, patting the grass next to him. Liora did so, following his gaze upwards.

Regulus had been right- centaur ground was perfect to see the stars, and this clearing was no exception. The sky was clear and the stars shone bright, glittering softly above the two as they stared, watching the stars in peaceful silence. 

"There's Alpha Leonis," Regulus pointed out to Liora. "Regulus Alpha, I think." 

"You're named after a star?" 

"We all are," Regulus said. "Me, Sirius, Cousin Andromeda... most of us, at least, are named after stars or constellations." 

"They did not," Liora gasped. The rain was pouring down at that point, drenching Liora and Regulus in rain. The two were in the clock courtyard and the gates to the main school were closed, leaving the two stuck. They looked at each other and ran towards the clock tower just as the doors slammed shut, the two gasping in relief.

"Do we wait down here?" Regulus asked Liora shook her head, a twinkle in her eyes.

"We weren't supposed to be out in the first place, were we? Come on," she motioned and walked up the steps to the fourth floor. Skeptically, Regulus followed, gasping in awe at the shiny bronze and silver gears.

"Sit. They won't look here; nobody does."

Regulus looked at Liora skeptically. "How do you know? Or-"

"Shhh!" Liora hissed as footsteps sounded from the inside of the castle. "I'll tell you later."  

The pair sat in silence, listening to the rain drown out the sounds of their breathing. The footsteps faded away, and Liora and Regulus were left sitting in the clock tower. 

"So, how do you know?" Regulus asked curiously. He pulled his knees up towards his face in a futile effort to keep himself warm. 

"Well, um, you know how you have a thing with the astronomy tower?" 

Regulus wrinkled his nose in distaste. "Ew. That makes it sound like, I don't know, I fancy the astronomy tower. Or I shag it." 

"I mean, I don't know what you do up there..." Liora said jokingly. "For all I know, you could be plastering the walls with noses or something strange like that." 

"Oh, yeah, I'm definitely doing that. Plastering up the noses of my enemies. You just can't see it because I cast a disillusionment charm," Regulus deadpanned. "Anyway. You were saying?" 

"Well, I just come up here to think." 

"Oh," Regulus said. "Okay." 

Liora rested her head on her knees, closing her eyes in exhaustion. "Sorry, um, I'm just kind of tired." 


As Liora's eyes were shut, Regulus took the opportunity to take a look at her. Dark Lord's orders, right? She had a rather flat nose, he supposed, and rather large eyes. Her skin was terrible in comparison to his own- she really had to start using that stuff his mother used. 

But for some reason, Regulus found himself drawn to her. 

Lying back on the floor, Regulus closed his eyes alongside Liora, trying not to think about her, because he could not be having a crush on some girl he started talking to a week ago. 

Dear god, the Dark Lord couldn't be a shipper, could he? 


A slow creaking of the cogwheels woke both Liora and Regulus up. 

"Oh my god, I fell asleep in the Clock Tower, of all places," Regulus said. Liora bit back a laugh at the look of horror on his face. 

"Don't tell you've never fallen asleep in your fling-" 

"Gross, no, blimey, where did you get that idea from?" His face morphed from horror into disgust. This time, Liora allowed herself to laugh. 

"I'm talking about the Astronomy Tower, you ponce." 

"I am not a ponce, you're a ponce! Why would you call the Astronomy Tower a fling-" 


The two students glanced up in shock to see Dumbledore clearing his throat. Regulus was the first to react. 

"Oh, hello, Headmaster, how are you?"  

"I am well, but I suppose you won't be if you stay out," he said with a little twinkle in his eye. "Now, I am an old man, and perhaps I might be going senile. Perhaps I never saw you..." 

"Thank you, Headmaster!" The pair darted behind Dumbledore into the Slytherin Dungeons. 

"Did Dumbledore just cover for us?!" 

"I think he did, Regulus, I think he just did." 


Write what you know, they said. Write what you want, they said. I want to write romance but have never dated or even kissed anyone how does that work sdjfofsidhosd

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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