c h a p t e r. f i f t e e n

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"Regulus Black and Evan Rosier," The Dark Lord said. He was sat on a throne in Malfoy Manor, and the other Death Eaters stood by the sides of the room. Nagini was coiled around his throne, staring at the two boys.


Both boys bowed, kneeling before Voldemort before standing up and moving towards him. Voldemort smiled, an eerie expression that shook Regulus to his core.

"Evan Rosier, please step forward."

With a slight tremor in his steps, Evan walked towards Voldemort. The Dark Lord motioned for the boy to come closer, and nervously, he leant down. The Dark Lord whispered something to Evan, and he nodded. Regulus watched as shakily, Evan drew up his arm sleeve. The Dark Lord pointed his wand at Evan's arm, whispered a spell, and sat back.

Evan looked like he was in pain. Regulus didn't know what he was feeling, but the boy had a tight fist and was fanning his inner left forearm rapidly. Regulus looked down, clasping his hands together as he continued watching the ascension. Evan clenched his jaw and stopped fanning, gripping his upper arm tightly as he fought the pain.

"Regulus Black," The Dark Lord now said. Evan was brought aside and hidden within the crowds of Death Eaters, and behind Regulus, Bellatrix smiled. He stepped up after bowing, standing to the right of Voldemort. Regulus noticed that there was no Death Eater that could stand to the left of him; was it something special?

"I sense potential in you," the Dark Lord said slowly. "No one really does understand, right? How hard it must be, to play this facade of the perfect boy. Join me, and you won't have to do that anymore."

Regulus nodded. He drew up his sleeve confidently, wanting to seem proud in front of his idol.

"You're ready, then?"


The flick of a wand, then the sensation of being burned by a thousand suns. Regulus bit his tongue to stop himself from screaming out, trying to keep his face immobile as his left inner forearm burned and burned. Finally, he looked up at the Death Eaters and the Dark Lord, clutching the space above the tattoo.

Walking down the steps and retreating into the crowds of Death Eaters, he collected a mask and cloak, donning it as he moved towards Evan. Glancing down at the stinging, he let out a twisted smile as he saw the burns start to take the shape of a Dark Mark.

A pure-blood leading other pure-bloods to a conquest to end the muggles that had tried to end them.



Being stuck in an apartment, no matter how big it was, was boring. Liora and Mirabel would sit together in endless peals of silence, just thinking.

"Expecto Patronum."

As expected, the light shooting out of Liora's wand was just a wash of white, not taking in form for anything. She stared at the light as it faded, bringing the lights to a considerable dim.

"Do it again."

Melynne stood by the doorframe, watching her daughter try the Patronus charm.

"A happy memory."

Liora tried again, hoping for the white light to change into an animal, wanting it to do something, but all it did was grow brighter. She lowered her wand in dismay, thinking of another happy memory. Unfortunately, Liora didn't have many of those.

A soft tapping at the window took their attention, the Patronus charm quickly forgotten. Mirabel, the closest to the window, opened it up and the owl flew in and placed the letters on the floor. Mirabel and Liora looked at the letters nervously, not wanting to touch them.

"Well, um, we have to check it now, right?" Liora asked unsurely and picked up the letter. It was labelled by name, and she tore open the seal carefully before pulling out the sheet of parchment paper.

Dear Liora Mistead-Gaunt,

Please find an enclosed copy of your Ordinary Wizarding Level final grades.

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your efforts throughout this academic year and in completing your O.W.L.s with clearance from Anti-Cheating Quills and Anti-Cheating Spells. We hope you achieve the grades you require for your preferred subjects at N.E.W.T level.

Your subject professors will be happy to discuss your options with you on return to school.

Good Luck with your future studies.

Griselda Marchbanks

"You know that's what they send to every student on their OWL finals, right?" Mirabel said as she leant over her friend's shoulder. Her envelope still stayed on the floor, untouched.

"Y-yeah. I hope I get some kind of pass grade."

Truth be told, neither Liora nor Mirabel had thought that much about their future career, too preoccupied in the present. She pulled out the actual card, scanning through the grades.

Liora Mistead-Gaunt has achieved:

Astronomy: E

Care of Magical Creatures: D

Charms: E

Defense Against the Dark Arts: P

Divination: A

Herbology: A

History of Magic: O

Potions: O

Transfiguration: E

Glancing to the side, Liora placed the card down and handed Mirabel her letter. The latter opened it slowly, not bothering to read the first letter before she picked out her grades card. As expected, Mirabel's grades were excellent.

Mirabel Asteria Greengrass has achieved:

Astronomy: O

Care of Magical Creatures: P

Charms: O

Defense Against the Dark Arts: A

Divination: E

Herbology: E

History of Magic: E

Potions: O

Transfiguration: O

"You did way better than me!" Liora exclaimed. Mirabel nodded, clearly disappointed that she'd failed Care of Magical Creatures. From her attitude towards Divination, it was surprising that Mirabel had a high grade in the subject.

They placed the cards to the side, not wanting to do anything. Summer had passed surprisingly quickly judging as they'd been cooped up in the apartment for most of it. The two girls stared at the cards for a second before looking away.

"What's the point? The war started ages ago, before we ever came to the school. When on earth are we going to have time to find jobs when we have to choose sides and fight?"

"It's not fair, Liora. But when we get back to school, we'll have to pretend it is. Pretend that everything's all right, pretend that there's no war going on outside, and deflect any questions."

"Correct, Mirabel. The outside world is so much darker than it should be thanks to my brother, and you have to avoid choosing a side at all costs. Nobody is immune to the draw, of the persuasion of Dumbledore or Voldermort. Trust no one, because no one is safe."

And with that, Melynne Gaunt left the two girls in their room. It was their decision to choose who they sided with, not hers, because she had chosen her side a long time ago. 

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