c h a p t e r. t w e n t y - t w o

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Regulus tried to pay no mind to Gabiel's words, but temptation took over and Regulus found himself in the library during lunch, trying to find out about the Gaunt family. The only book he had found thus far was Theodore Nott's 'Pure-Blood Directory', but the book wasn't recent enough for Regulus to take it seriously.

The Gaunt family was extensive enough for Liora and the Dark Lord to be completely unrelated, but Regulus didn't believe it; the pieces fit perfectly into place. Why else would the Dark Lord want him to spy on her? It was like a fairytale, but Regulus knew that before there was a happy ending, there was always going to be turmoil.

The bell chimed quickly and Regulus dropped the book in shock, earning a glare from Madam Pince and some other students. He picked up his bookbag and ran out of the library, not bothering to look back as he made his way towards class.

Astronomy Tower at midnight as well, Regulus reminded himself as he climbed up the familiar steps to the classroom; there was going to be a usual lesson today, as that night the class time was booked for O.W.L students. He reached the top of the tower just five minutes before class, and as expected, no one was there yet- just the Professor. Regulus nodded a hello towards her before adjusting his sleeves and choosing a table to sit at.

One by one, the rest of the students filed in and took their seats and the lecture began, Regulus taking out parchment paper to take notes as she spoke. You know, like a normal person; he studied, tugging up his left sleeve once in a while to keep it up. Glancing around him, the other students had the same ideas, and the sound of quills scratching could be heard as the Professor continued to speak. The class continued as such, Regulus's mind often wandering off back into his thoughts as he wrote. How many times had he been up here at night? He felt like laughing when the last time he'd been up there flashed over his mind.

The Astronomy Tower argument still hung over Regulus's head, and he felt like he wanted closure. No more thinking about this, just knowing that it was irrelevant. Maybe it was, but Regulus didn't care; he wanted it to feel irrelevant. But how? Apologize? No, Death Eaters don't apologize, Bellatrix had said that, and she was always right. So he would... bring it up, and hope that it provided some closure.


Walking up the Astronomy Tower's steps had never felt so hard, and Regulus had half a mind to just walk away. But that wasn't doing his job, was it?

Stop, Regulus. Not a job; she's just your friend, or she's supposed to be.

That still wasn't being a friend; no, it wasn't, so Regulus braved himself and started up the stairs.

He reached the top rather quickly after years of practice, finding it empty and sitting down on the balcony and dangling his feet through the safety bars. After years, the dizzying height didn't worry Regulus anymore; it just felt nice to have the winds whip around his feet. Unlike the other days, though, his mind was filled with blissful silence, and he stared at the stars mindlessly.


Startled, he turned around and blinked a couple times, making out a brief shadow in the distance. It moved closer to him, and then he could clearly see it; just Liora. She came to sit side him, curling up into herself and glancing up into the sky. For a moment, they didn't talk, too engrossed in the night sky to speak. The silence was both calming and worrying to Regulus; what if she was over it, and it was just a sore memory? He closed his eyes and opened them, readying himself to say the words.

"I'm sorry. " He blurted out unexpectedly. "I was rude that night. It's just..." he let his voice trail off as he turned to fully look at her. Stopping himself from observing more than a friend would observe, he watched her as she watched the stars. Sensing no anger, Regulus turned back towards the sky.

Liora cleared her throat, opening her mouth to speak and hesitating at the very last second. Talk to him like you'd talk to Mirabel; it's not that hard.

"It's okay, but can I ask why you reacted like... that? What can't you tell me?" She said. He stayed silent.

"There are some things I just can't tell you, Liora. Maybe someday, but not now. I'm sorry, but there are some secrets that I need to keep. Is that... okay?"

Resisting the urge to glance at Regulus, she heard the sound of fumbling fabric as she thought it over.

No. The word flashed over Liora's mind for a second, but for some reason, she felt drawn to the boy. Maybe it was just that they worked well together, maybe it was her being curious, maybe it was something else, something darker, but Regulus Black seemed to draw Liora Mistead-Gaunt in. So, against her better judgment, Liora nodded her head slowly.


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