c h a p t e r. s e v e n

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As much as Liora hated to admit it, Potions did become more enjoyable when she and Regulus were working together. Firstly, the potions just turned out so much better without any excess added ingredients, and there were no awkward disruptions in the class- at least from them.

"What next?" Liora asked. The assignment was to brew the Draught of Living Death, and the pair were quite far ahead. This time, Regulus prepped the ingredients, heated the cauldron, and read out the instructions while Liora brewed the potion. The arrangement was working out rather well, and as both of the students were quite good at Potions most of the assignments came out perfect or close-to-perfect.

"Stir twice clockwise, then add the sloth brain," Regulus read lazily and Liora did so. Deciding to play a trick, Regulus smirked and crushed the Sopophorus bean to release juice. Instead of no juice coming out and a reprimanding, it seemed to work. Suprised, Regulus handed the vial to Liora.

"Add the Sopophorus bean's juice. Then, stir seven times anticlockwise and one time clockwise." Time to see if Liora actually remembered the potion. As it turned out, she didn't, but to his shock, the potion turned out better than expected. Spotting the surprised expression on Regulus's face, she narrowed her eyes.

"What did you do?"

Regulus held his hands up, looking suspiciously like his brother.

"I just wanted to see if you remembered the ingredients! I didn't know that my variation would turn out so good," he added. Liora sighed.

"Okay, if it's so good, then do tell what you told me to do."

"I crushed the bean to release more juice. And told you to stir one time clockwise after the seven times counterclockwise."

Liora wrote that down in her book.

By that time, most of the students were done, and Slughorn made his way over towards the cauldrons. He stuck a leaf into each cauldron, watching each potion have its effects.

"Perfect, Mr Black and Miss Gaunt! Beautiful indeed!" He exclaimed loudly. "Pray tell what did you do?"

"We-" Liora cut Regulus off in a second. "Just followed the instructions," she smiled. Catching on, Regulus nodded in agreement. "Y-yeah."

The other Slytherin students stared at the pair in envy, clearly jealous of the praise. Liora grinned maniacally back at them. Potions ended, and it left the students with nothing to do. Mirabel approached Liora, sighing.

"Look, I kinda need to talk to someone. He isn't exactly family, but..." Her voice trailed off. Liora nodded understandings, letting Mirabel go talk to whoever she was going to talk to. She waited awkwardly by the stairs, contemplating where to go.

"Um..." Regulus tapped her on the shoulder cautiously. "Liora?"

She whirled around, accidentally smacking him in the face with her hair. "Sorry."

He nodded. "Can you move?"

Both Liora and Regulus knew that wasn't what he wanted to say, but she did move. He made his way upwards, and she followed a little ways behind him. The two parted ways, with Liora disappearing into the Library and Regulus heading out onto the Quidditch Pitch. Liora took a seat by the window, surprised to see the Slytherin team practicing. Weren't they scheduled for the week other?

She turned her gaze towards the halls, not expecting anything to happen when she abruptly left the Library. Wandering the halls, she spotted an unfamiliar sight. Sirius Black and James Potter were talking to... Mirabel?

Deciding not to interfere, Liora sat herself a little ways from them and listened intently.

"-is it like?" Mirabel asked. Sirius sighed.

"Terrible, honestly. It's easier if you have friends you can bounce back on. I got in contact with my cousin-" Liora had heard enough, knowing what her friend was preparing for. She entered the Slytherin dorms quietly, knowing no one would be in. Sitting by the windows, she gazed at the merfolk swimming in the waters. Just then, a fourth-year bounded over towards her.

"Did you hear? There's a party for the end-of-year. It's in the Ravenclaw common room, which is weird because they don't host any parties," the girl scrunched her nose up before leaving Liora alone. She rolled her eyes. Of course, Liora knew she'd be going anyway, but parties weren't the girl's forte.

Liora waited in silence, looking longingly at the merfolk's close-knit colony.

"Should I drown you in the Black Lake? You seem to want to go there badly," A voice joked. Evan Rosier. Liora looked at the boy, showing an unamused face as he continued laughing. His face straightened out after a moment.

"Who is your mother, Gaunt girl?" he asked. "Really, who-"

"Why do you want to know?"

Evan smiled. "Someone very important wants her. I'm not sure what the details are, but..." His face hardened. "It's not good."

The boy left her alone, but the words lingered in her mind. Who was important? Dumbledore? She scoffed to herself. No, Dumbledore would want a Gryffindor. Why would that old man care about a Slytherin? So who else was important? Grindelwald?

Or the Dark Lord.


That morning, Liora showed up in the Great Hall rather early as the mail started to pour in. She waited expectantly as she drank some water, glancing up every two seconds to check for a mail.


"No, I-" Liora protested. Mirabel handed her a plate of fruit, raising an eyebrow. Liora groaned in defeat. "Fine."

As she was in the middle of eating, and owl dropped a package on Liora's lap. She finished eating quickly, putting the plate to the side before reading the label. Daintily untying the string wrapped around the package, her mother had sent a notebook- no, diary- and a letter. She re-wrapped the package, taking it and disappearing into the dorms.

First, Liora opened the letter.

I've already known that he would come for me. In the meantime, lay low and trust nobody but someone who you know well.

She re-folded the paper, opening up the diary. In it were lines and lines of words, all written in her mother's familiar print. The pages were thick and Liora itched to read the full story, but she knew it would have to wait until after class. She closed the package, hid it in her trunk and headed to her classes.


Regulus immediately thought something was wrong when Liora showed up to potions in an unusually chipper mood and sat besides Mirabel when he realized that Slughorn was going to show them something, meaning no partnerwork. The students waited patiently and perfectly on time, the teacher showed up with a vial of potion. He held it up, letting the students bask in it's glistening amber glory.

"Today, we'll be studying liquid luck," He said. "Open your books."

The class ended on a good note, and the students left the classroom excited for their next class. Liora headed straight towards the Arithmancy classroom, accidentally bumping into Regulus.

"Sorry!" She said, then continued on.

But what she hadn't realized was that she dropped a book from her bag, and although it wasn't the diary it still gave Regulus some incentive to talk to her. 

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