s t a r s a n d m i s t

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Can someone who cannot love bear a child?

Every being should be able to love. Love is linked to every emotion, feelings being an interlinked web of thoughts. Without love, there is no remorse. There is no guilt. The person has little-to-no emotional weakness. So, a child that cannot love has been unheard of. Until a little person named Merope Gaunt went and messed things up.

Liora Mistead has never heard the words 'I love you' come out of her mother's mouth, and she knows she never will. How can her mother say so, if she cannot love even her own daughter? As far as Liora knows, her mother has never loved anyone. Not even her own brother. On Liora's eleventh birthday, she receives a well-anticipated letter; her admission to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. And as her heritage starts to unravel, will anyone stop her from what she's destined to become?

Regulus Black follows the rules. 
He's seen the devastation his brother has caused, the consequences his brother had to face, and even if Regulus wants to leave he has no place to go. All his 'friends' are pure-bloods, born and bred the same way he has been. And when he's sorted into Slytherin like his parents and grandparents before him, his future is all laid out in front of him. He has no choice to follow the path his parents have paved for him. 


Stars and Mist | Regulus BlackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora