Chapter 1

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Norman sighed as he finished reading his finally card for the day, or night. He leaned back tired of reading endless cards about how his 'perfect' he really didn't mind it but that was really to much praise! A small smile crept on his strawberry lips as he looked around, the piles of flowers stacked some on the ground he had to get them organised, he set down the letter from a little girl, explaining how much she wanted to be like him, saving children he felt a light pat on the head, he new who it was vincent he had told him to take a rest for the night sense Norman pretty much never sleeps, he had also been trying to get Norman to gain some weight since he had lossen lots of weight. Norman knew it wasn't because of that his little secret he would take to his grave. Bulimia. He felt cold just thinking of it, everyday he acts normal, eats normally but then it just changes he sticks in his middle and idnex fingers, down his throat and thats were the nightmare begins, he had kept it a secret for pretty much a whole year! He was lucky no one had found him out or he'll be in a serious problem. He sighed as he rested his head on the wooden desk, maybe he was tired of it, maybe he wanted to be like everyone else, a normal boy, who doesn't get crowded like a animal in a cage or giving him flowers tell him how perfect he is, who doesn't have an eating disorder how knows that, he has someone who wants him dead. It's like he could never have a minutes piece! He took out his pen and slowly started to write ever since becoming William Minerva he has written in a journal he wrote about everyone and everything, he had opinions about them some he was even shock at what he wrote about them in his closest friends, but it felt nice knowing that he had one friend who never left his side his. Journal. Of course he and to learn a different format writing so he decided that a Victorian hand writing would do, he started to write the words down with black ink knowing that he wouldn't be able to erase it and would stay there forever, he stared at the bookshelf's finding himself in thoughts the on thing that coudktb get of his brain was Peter. He still remembered how Peter looked almost dead nothing of how he used to look like with his fancy suit his curly white hair down does greenish- blue eyes, instead his hair was pretty much in a pony tail unnoticed bangs under his eyes and wearing a pink-yellowish sweeter and green squared pants! It's almost like he couldn't even budge! Norman rubbed his nice maybe Vincent did have something right that he should go to bed.

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