Chapter 7

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All Norman could do is think and question about Peter James, and Smee not even bothering if something is worng with his friends until some friendly words help him and can finally enjoy a few seconds of happiness until he wakes up for t he fairy tale

Friends. Normans popularity has reached the nerves of his friends the awaf worse they have to go threw while Norman is out shadowing them some harsh words thrown and thrown..


Bulimia (eating Disorder)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
Norman stared directly at the taller man, long tipped curly white hair. White baggy suit. Lips that looked like horrible cherry spill. Peter Ratri. The "daddy" who was going to adopt him.

Norman sat up in a flash. Danm those dreams with Peter. Couldn't he stalk someone else?! He thought. He stared at his hands he was trembling. He let out a cold breath before standing up and going into the cold silent hallway, no giggles. No foot steels could be heard only his. The only thing that he could thinks is Peter and James. There was so many questions he'd wish to ask them. Smee had answered some but not everything he'd love to now! He swing his hair back into place well it was always messy. But for once he was happy not to be followed around like a zoo animal. He was so far from learning everything. James secrets was his goal! He couldn't really just think that James was a whole Angel right?! He ment that everyone and secrets of there own right? A small smirk crept on his face. He could try to find something the only thing he had low that James once used was his journal mostly empty..! Smee told him that there was lots more things here! He clinched his hands into a fist. He felt like drowning at the now thoughts of Peter, well they had things in common. Bulimia, pressure, back stabbers you name it! Well maybe he did feel sympathy for him, he was only 15 when he became head of the Ratri family, and clan! He was quikly dragged out his thoughts with "Boss?" He swiftly turned around come to face Hayato. "Oh, good evening Hayato..!" He said "What are you doing up so late?" He asked look rather shocked at finding him awake. "Just getting a drink and you if I mite ask?" He said almost qunfused. It was 1:27 A.M "they didn't tell you?" He said looking nervous, "mhh- tell me what.?..! He said, now Norman was getting scared, did something important happens without him? "Everyone's pretty much still awake in the main room boss, Ray or Gilda should have told you.!? He said "No..!" "But it's rather ok!" He said smiling Hayato took a deep breath and left, Gilda nor Ray had told him anything about it? He was lost shock of him not getting invited but still, he started once again not bothered of going over there himself.

Everything was a blur for the ones staying up Thoma and Lani had gone days to sleep, everything a mess, would have been more organized if Violet been there but she denied the invite, "Tell me again why we didn't invite Pepe and Norman?" Sandy said taking a different card. "Because Norman would bring in Lucas and Vincent who would shut this the hell down!." Zack said already look bored "Ok Lucas doesn't over react it's Vincent who does! Last time he almost pretty mcuhed diedb because Norman fell down one step.!" Don explained it was true it felt like krkan was pretty much a limited toy, who would be open or thorns out so quickly, "The only thing getting on my nerv is the words thrown at everyone" Sandy said. How could they forget? Whenever there walking with Norman everyone wanted to see HIM. And only him, they'll be saying; Oh! We're on the wrong side of were Minerva is! We shouldn't be looking at them instead of him!: That's the thing getting in everyone's nerve especially Ray's and Zack's Oliver and Nigel and everyone had been fine with it not paying attention to it. But they were sick and done with those comments! Was it only Norman or Minerva on this earth? Jealous was over flowing them it was always 'Norman' 'Norman!' couldn't they say something else? Ray understood that his firend had a new roll in him, but couldn't he just hide for a bit? Not cross the line before it crossed Ray's tempered line? Just plain old madness flowing there head. "I don't understand it! Gillian said join into the conversion, "Couldn't they be nice?" She asked looking rather tired, "You think? Just imagine Cisclo and Barbara hearing us talk smack about him?" Zack said in a joking way, "you've been quit all this time Oliver, why not tells us what your thinking.?" Ray asked "well it's true if they did heard us talk smack or shit about him well be dead or worse. But it isn't really or say of getting involved in it?" He said placeinf his card down "Let's just agree thats all getting out of hand at this point on." Gillian said.

Norman stood over the stove. "So have any idea to use them?" Said Lucas"never learned to use one.!" Norman said in embarrassment. "Well let's just leave it like that!" Lucas said "so how you been holding up in there.?" He'd asked looking pale like a ghost. "Fine I do guess.!" Norman said eating a cookie that would be out in no time, "Mhh! Oliver told me about the whole pushing thing that happens the other day." He said looking worried as if he rbkek something"nothing really ahooedn or anything horrible" he said looking deathly calm, "anything else going on.?" He asked Norman shook his head, "maybe they is, the pressure and attention I received.?" Norman said looking at him desperate for an answer to make him satisfied, "well you seem to handle it all so calmly one rvones view so what is it about it that's in yorh last pressure?" He said smiling at him"everything, the way the bother me. Pushing and shoving everyone, the awful words they say to everyone when they can't look at me..?" He said almost making himself cry, Smee was the only who was able to help him warn him even that it wasn't going to be easy, instead hard and it mite take him to the point of despising the idea aof being Minerva or ebign such a hddk to everyone the knkg thing and he was immature and naive about was how he coped with it all. Taking it out on himself? Not being to stay calm or not let his emotion show? Then what was he so good at coping the the oreusees and everyone around him? Smee had only trained him in languages, manners, history, bowing when to talk and not, anything if how to be a proper, boy but never told him how everything was going to change over night, well enough he was a boy, who was going to die in there at the hand of the Ratri clan instead he became someone who anyone could put there problems on his back not realizing the person was slowly disappeaing himself from everyone, "let's say thats jot good but what about everyone who looks up to you?" Lucas said. "The keteyrs they send you, telling YOU of his a prince or hero you are?" "Yeah but it's not true in some ways.!" The younger rboh exclaimed in a ghastly way, feeling everything love around him, "You should try to practice for on it if you feel your not doing good on it!" Lucas said tapping his head and kevaing now Norman was alone in the dark kitchen just the words of Lucas echoing his mind; You should practice: those words were drilled into himself by something Norman did have to grow out of hismelf look towards what Smee and James would have wanted right? Stop asking those horrible quotations he'd asked himself be more like an adult! He thought as he set the cup down maybe he was going to leave his "innocent" past alone and practice the other side what his skating to learn he hurried back into the hallway Lucas was surly gone back to sleep Yuugo. Passed out into his sleep, was Vincent going to wake up and urge him back into bed maybe so but he was going to spend the rest of the early morning with his friends, he made his way to the main room questions coming into his head. He was already yawning a sure sign of sleepiness but he was going to stay awake he felt sl happy! Just before he was so sad, thinking about Peter and James,Smee but now he was in a total different mood, not his serious boring mood that seemed to feel like he hated everyone now he felt more excited then before. He made it to the main room were eveone as at. Some children alsepe other half awake he he walked in His magenta, robe everyone was still in there clothing, just him in his PJs he quikly welcomed by Anna and Hayato was luckily still there, so he worb be alone he sat there alone just waiting for someone to talk to him sick she wasn't good at starting a conversation, or any small talk eveone was at there own little group, unlike Norman who felt like a weirdo juzr sitting there with no one to talk to, maybe he shouldn't have claimed! He thought no he was surly going to panick and run, unt h was safe udner his covers, and wamrly tucked in he felt so outside the box with everyone else he had kept hismelf tidy not letting into the moderation his friends and gone into bowing how to cuss, use guns everything they new how to do while krkman was stuck in in levek 1! He quickly pulled his ajdns close to hismelf, he felt tired and bored how wanst anyone else bored and tired like he was right now? No one wanted to talk to him? He sighed as heqyikly seated his head Don his right shoulder he. Was he really going to sleep right there? "Norman!" Sonyo said scaring pretty much the soul out of him, "we didn't now you came!" She said hugging him. "Well I did just come here! He said "Why's rent your alijg to anyone though?" She asked look surprise "I really don't now!." He said letting a small giggle out, "You should be playing with someone or anyone really!", Poor Norman really didn't now if he should go talk to anyone kr just what until someone talekd to him Sonyo quikly started talking to Paula and he was left in noticed, as he started at the start again. He took a quick glance around, nothing really caught his eye and with our hesation, he left. Really want his type anyways so all of that for nothing? He asked he tried not to laugh hut he coudjnt help hismelf at laughing at his own mistake! He started walking again no noise just him alone in the darken hallways, just him and his thoughts followinf his every movement, he sounded around just among hismelf dizzy as he entered his room he quikly dashed into his bed nothing even thinking of his Bulimia, or anything at that point just toagl happiness like eevything disappearing. He'd never meet Peter. He wants followed were ever he was. Just total calms and soon he drifted into sleep...

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