Chapter 4

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Peter stood there watching his mother being dragged by force outside the framed door, why did he ever wonder in the room? Was it his fault? He ran up to the two men holding his mother trying to get them to budge but the 7 year old want so strong before someone grabbed him and forced off them he looked up his uncle.Mike. He just froze not fighting back to let him go to his dear mama, not bothering in hugging her just watching there like he was going to faint and never return. "Don't worry Peter, she'll be ok." He said patting his head, he new that he won't see her the women he called mama. The women who he looked up for love, who wanted to be acknowledged by her to feel her but he wants ever going to see her. He was brought back into his room like always spending time there for his own "safety" he stared at the painting of him and his mother were do it go wrong? Were they going to hurt her? We're they going to help her get better? He panicked as he banged on the eidnow hoping it budge open but no ebeyrhtinf was lock he felt like a prisoner in his own life. Why didn't they want him to leave? Was he a trouble outside? No! He thought they loved him right? He slit down the framed walls and just sat there maybe his mama would come tommorow! She never left him! A small smile crept on his lips maybe uncle Mike would even allow him to see her!

Peter slashed his arms. Was he going crazy like his mother? Was he going to get taken away? He laughed at the thought as he set the bloody knife down and hugged his knees he stared at the blood dripping down his pale arms, maybe he was going to kill himself, why was he even born? Just to suffer have no love? He flies his eyes he wanted to disappear run, just run away were he could actually be happy be loved other then his brother, he thought of hismekf as selfish, but was it much to ask for 100% of love that he never had gotten for the 14 years he'd be on earth? He washed his hands he wanted to scream break down he stared at the blood being mixed with the water leaving a beautiful color if only his cuts felt like it but it wasn't!

Norman stared at a book he was reading "Mary Tudor" he had found it interesting since Sonya had told him that he mite have liked it and it was true! He was in the library were no one could find him hidden away no one was going to crowd him or force him out! He stared looked up from his book to stare at the sugar cookies Jin had given him he new the feeling of him eating them and minute's later feeling sick and the moment of him and his fingers, he rather not eat the and give them to someone, he sighed as he continued reading the book but felt lien he was going to fisnt he had been starving himself for 5 days straight! How didnt no one noticed the lack of him not saying anything? He wondered it before skme footsteps came in he didn't hear them or bother to look since he new that no one will find he "So this is were you've been?" Norman turned in shock the only person he had thought akst found him?! "Yuugo! You scared me!" The albino said "mhh" he said taking a seat next to Norman now Norman was shock how did he get Yuugo to seat with him? He seemed like he hated everyone! "Uhh- cookie..?" Norman said passing the plate towards him "fine.. just don't tell anyone or they'll ask me why am favoring you over them!" He said taking a cookie Norman smiled in response, "look Norman, I didn't want to bring it up at dinner but is there a reason why you've been getting so thin?" He asked Norman felt like it was the end of him, "hoe did he now about how thin he was? "Well I've always been as thin!" He said Yuugo wasn't falling for that he new something was up with the boy in front of him "don't tell me you have a disorder?" He said making the young boy scared "no, why you ask that? He said looking at him "Bulimia isn't it?" He said taking a deep glare at the red-blueish boy, who seemed to get paper and paper bu each breathe "Bulimia pfft! Why would I have that" he said in a joking manner "don't like to your self!" He said "if you have it then continue your going to kill yourself with it!" He said an a shaking scared voice, "if I have it I would have said yes but I don't now what you seem to talk about....!" He said almost like he was going to break "Kid your lying to yourself it isn't making you feel better." And with that Yuugo just left him there lost in his own words his voice he felt like dieing, he new it was going to be over soon.

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