Chapter 2

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Norman sighed as he got out of bed for once he actually got a good night's rest! He stared at his coat, jus plain white, he put on his socks that weren't Mitch match, a plain green sweater with brownish pants and his shoes and his coat that if he didn't wear Vincent would have hanged him already. He went outside making sure everything was in place he didn't tuck in his sweater since of how thin he was, he aaddsn at the thought. Was he really doing this to himself? Was he trying to feel more better then he already felt? He sighed as he got into his office before a random hands grabbed his arms "Good morning Norman!" He looked up to see who it was, Nigel and Violet, "ha good morning!" He said looking rather pale, and nervous. "Don't worry were not going to make you punch someone just going to breakfast with us!" "Mhh" Norman said in response he was lucky they weren't going to do anything else they did to him like thorw water at him, getting punched back since he ddktn know anything about self hitting. As they made it to breakfast they quickly let go of Norman's hand which almost caused him to fall but he catches himself he looked around to find everything empty! "So I'm were is everyone?" He asked as he took a seat, "no were just waiting for more people!" Nigel said, Norman shook his head as he sat there waiting for everyone since he used to come in when it was almost fullnow it just felt wierd "tell me Norman! How did you get Yuugo to talk to People!?" Violet asked glaring at him "well I'm try to be nice.!?" He said "What!? Nice! His the own who isn't nice!" She said almost like she was going to break everything! "Dang stop yelling!" Zack said coming in Violet just shrugged now he did feel weird he sat at the left sighed pretty mcub away form them so he wouldn't get hurt or anything like that right? He thought to himself last time they made him arm wrestle and of course he lost. It's like he would never win at nothing they do! He say Lucas come in with Ray,Oliver,Thoma, and lAni but no Yuugo? Norman thought last time he say him eat some were else so maybe that why? He didn't like to talk to other people? He thought before Gillian sat were he was almost giving him a panick attack! "Boo!" She said Norman turned to face her "hey Gillian...!" He said "good morning scardy cat!" She said back Norman felt like melting away, he wanted to leave or maybe disappear into the thin air! He smiled in his head as a thought before Gillian left he new who was going to sit with him..

no no! How about they go sit near Lucas! Line who would want to be next him?!

As the chair noises made there way to the floor Norman was stuck there unt everything was over, "Norman.!" The voice said "good morning Oliver and Ray." Norman said as be picked up his spoon. Everything pretty much just went blank from there they just kept asking Norman questions again and again Norman felt like he was going to die on the spot....

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