•Chapter 3•

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"No, sloths aren't cute. They're creepy," I shuddered, partly at the thought of the terrifying mammal and partly because of the crisp breeze hitting my face and arms.

Taehyung and I now stood on the roof of the building. He was surprisingly easy to talk to, and we were now somehow amid a heated debate on whether sloths were cute balls of fluff or creatures straight from the pits of hell.

"Okay, but the babies are cute, call it a truce," He persuaded.

Reluctantly, I mumbled an Okay as our conversation flowed to another topic.

The rooftop overlooked the entire city, twinkling lights from skyscrapers and streetlights alike scattered flashes of neon blue, bright green and a golden yellow. The moon glimmered high up in the distance, reclusive in the night sky. The highways, glowing red and white, were filled with zooming cars carrying their passengers home, or perhaps on a midnight adventure far away.

Our voices quietened as the conversation trickled into a comfortable silence. My arms rested on the parapet, and I took in the spectacular view before me, the boy next to me doing the same.

"Don't you think it's crazy?" Taehyung's deep voice gently sliced through the silence, "every single person down there is living their own life."

"And completely different to ours," I added, losing myself in my thoughts.

"It's like we're so tiny, just a speck on this giant planet."

"Doesn't that just mean that nothing we do matters," I questioned, my gaze fixed on a flickering streetlight, "that we should just stop trying?"

"Or, that we should do everything we want to," He spun around to face me, his elbows now replacing his forearms on the parapet, "stop worrying and live on our own terms, because in the end, it doesn't matter anyway."

At this, I turned to look at him, taken aback and somewhat intrigued by his contrasting remark.

I was surprised to find Taehyung's eyes already on me, his gaze catching mine. There was something mystifying in his dark eyes, something alluring.

The noises from the highways faded into the background, all my senses centred on him. I was suddenly hit with the realization of how close we were standing.

The alcohol was wearing off, but I was now intoxicated by his presence, by Taehyung.

"Everything?" I repeated quietly, my voice unexpectedly hoarse.

Taehyung shifted a bit about to say something-

"There you are! Finally, I've been looking everywhere." Jungkook's voice broke through the spell that was holding us frozen in place.

Our eyes snapped to the side, searching for the source of the voice. The door to the roof was pushed open, a slender figure trying to make its way out of the stairwell and onto the roof.

Jungkook wasn't alone. A half-conscious Haewon leaned against him, her arm wrapped around his neck. Jungkook used one arm to push the door open as the other one steadied Haewon, holding her close against his side.

Taehyung and I, jolted back to reality, made our way towards the other two.

"Haewon's drunk," Jungkook stated the obvious, "and I'm not sober enough to drive her home."

"Well, neither is Yerin," Taehyung sighed, "I guess I'm driving."

I quickly texted Namjoon how we planned to get home, and he informed me he'd be staying back. We then made our way down the stairwell and into Taehyung's car.

I sat in front as Jungkook and Haewon occupied the backseat of the car. Haewon occasionally declared her love for someone in the car, and this time I didn't even attempt to stop her.

The first ten minutes of the car ride had been filled with drunk chatter and giggles. I entered our address into the GPS, and eventually, the only sounds in the car were the hushed tones of my voice melding with Taehyung's.

Haewon and Jungkook had fallen asleep in the back, the energy from earlier seeping out of their bodies as exhaustion took over. Jungkook's head was thrown back on the seat as Haewon had made herself comfortable, her head resting on his lap as her petite body scrunched up to fit across the backseat of the car.

Taehyung noticed my eyelids getting heavier and my replies getting shorter, "Go to sleep. I'll wake you up when we get there."

"I'm not sleepy," I insisted, urging him to continue.

He small laugh escaped his lips before he carried on talking.

As I listened to his smooth, silky voice speak, his words lost all their meaning, and I unknowingly drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to find Taehyung's arm resting on the back of my seat. He looked behind as his other arm deftly steered the car in reverse, lining up into the parking spot.

As he turned to face forward, he noticed my open eyes and gave me a soft smile. "We're here," his deep voice was quiet as he turned the engine off, "they're still asleep, though."

I glanced at the backseat to see that Taehyung was right; Jungkook and Haewon were in the same position, neither having moved an inch. We got out of the car and gently woke them up.

Jungkook and Taehyung were absolutely determined to drop us off at our doorstep. Satisfied with the knowledge of our safety, the pair made their way out of the building.

Once I shut the door behind me, I half-carried Haewon into her bedroom and made sure to leave a glass of water and aspirin by her bed before shutting the door closed.

I quickly changed out of my clothes and fell onto my cosy bed. As soon as my head hit the soft pillow, a wave of sleep pulled me under.


I hope you liked this chapterr, idk I'm not too sure. Also, google 'sloth' and tell me you're not terrified.

 Thank you for reading:)

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