•Chapter 11•

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I was getting tired of waiting. She had to be here. According to the information I had gotten, I would've spotted Jihye by now.

The place was brimming with people. It was a rooftop area with an open plan and a terrace view. On one side was the bar, surrounded by many high tables, and the other section was the restaurant. My eyes drifted to the warm yellow lights strung around the balcony railing. There seemed to be an office party going on. People milled about wearing formal shirts and dresses, chatting with one another.

It was a smart move; a setting like this meant it was easier to blend in with the crowd. Although I have no idea how she looks, it shouldn't be too challenging to find Jihye, considering she'll be here with one member of the Park gang, unlike the groups of people gathered at the restaurant. My plan was simple: find a girl who was here with only one other person and who I hopefully recognised from college.

Alright, it was a terrible plan.

But this was my only choice until I got more information, so it would have to do.

I had been here for about fifteen minutes, waiting, observing the crowd. I stood at one of the high tables, leaning against the stool. I twisted a glass of beer in my hands, checking my phone for any updates when I noticed someone in the corner of the room.

It was her; it had to be. A middle-aged man sat across from a much younger girl in a booth tucked away in one corner. The two seemed to be in a serious conversation. The girl's arms were waving about, gesturing wildly. She seemed to be explaining something to the man in a very frustrated manner.

I recognised the girl from somewhere. I vaguely remembered her high ponytail and that extremely expressive face. But I couldn't quite place her. I racked my brain, but the memory was just out of reach. Like a word that was on the tip of your tongue, but you just couldn't recollect it and pronounce it. Before I could get a better look at her, my view was obscured by someone stopping in front of me.

"Why hello there, Yerin's lover boy." I was greeted by a familiar shock of blue hair.

I was startled, and I felt like a deer caught in headlights. I felt myself start to panic until I realised that I was literally just sitting at a restaurant like a normal person.

I laughed, shaking my head. "It's good to see you too, Haewon."

"You here alone?" she asked me. She seemed like her usual, easy-going self.

"Nah, just waiting for my roommate," I lied. My eyes kept darting to the girl sitting in that corner. "And you? Are you here with yours by any chance?" I asked hopefully, trying not to sound too eager and failing. Although if Yerin were here, it would definitely distract me from the task at hand.

"Unfortunately for you, I'm here with some friends from high school," Haewon gestured towards a table at the other end of the restaurant, which was occupied by 3 people around our age.

I replied with an 'oh' before nodding, still very distracted. It's not that I didn't like Haewon—in fact, I really enjoyed her company, although she was mostly quiet—it's just that right now, I needed to focus.

"Speaking of my roommate," she started. This got my attention. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm glad you and Yerin are hitting it off. She's always been so closed off, and I can see that she's letting you in, past those walls of hers. She hasn't opened up to anyone as fast as she has with you."

It was unlike Haewon to say something like this. To talk about feelings and other people's relationships. But knowing how important Yerin was to her, I knew that she genuinely meant what she said and felt the need to tell me this.

"Is this the part where you tell me not to hurt her, or you'll kill me?"

"Oh, I'm sure Yerin can do that herself." She raised an eyebrow.

At that, we both laughed before Haewon spoke again, "No, but seriously, I've seen the way you look at her—although you could keep it PG sometimes." The blood rushed to my cheeks and ears, and I ducked my head, causing Haewon to chuckle.

"I've seen the way you look at her, and I don't think you'll hurt her," she finished.

I smiled at her, truly appreciating her words. "Thanks, Haewon. Yerin has come to mean so much to me, it's- it's crazy," I told her honestly. "I'll treat her well, I promise."

"Well," Haewon dramatically raised her chin and folded her arms, "I approve," she nodded.

I laughed at her antics before playing along, "I'm glad." I bowed, making her chuckle.

"Okay, I should get going," Haewon straightened. "My friends are waiting. Enjoy your night." She pressed her lips together in one of her signature smiles—which was barely a smile— and gave me a small wave, which I returned before she walked away to join her friends.

As soon as Haewon turned to leave, I shifted my attention back to the girl—who I assume was Jihye, she had to be. I knew I had seen her before, but I just couldn't place her. I let out a frustrated sigh, tapping my fingertips on the table.

The man sitting across from her suddenly stood up, and the girl put her head in her hands, looking exasperated. They seemed to be having an argument. She sat there for a minute while the man tapped his foot on the ground, clearly waiting for her very impatiently.

A few seconds later, she reluctantly stood up. She picked up her purse and closely followed him as he walked out of the restaurant. I considered following them, watching carefully, and then her eyes momentarily flitted to mine and back in front of her.

I was taken aback. There was a knowing look in her gaze, like she knew exactly what I was doing—which wasn't much, but I suppose it is considered stalking. Anyway, her eyes hadn't accidentally fallen on me. She had purposefully looked at me, letting me know I wasn't as stealthy as I thought I was. It was so fast that for a moment, I thought I had imagined it. But no, it had definitely happened, which had to mean that the girl recognised me too.

I was tempted to follow them out, but now it would only make me look suspicious. So, I waited for a few minutes before leaving some cash on the table and walking out the doors. And as I had expected, Jihye was nowhere to be seen when I left the building. 

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