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Two figures sit at a table laden with a magnificent chess board carved into it. Brothers, twins, two pieces of the same thing, but two very different things. Painted marble figures of people replaced the usual shapes of Kings and Queens, Rooks and Knights. The one brother dressed in white, Destiny, fingered his king, which was depicted as a female hypersoul, arms outstretched, wings folded neatly behind her. She wore a crown and armor decorated with dragon scales, known to enhance powers. The other brother, dressed in black, Fate, ran his finger over each and every one of his tokens. "You know the rules, Destiny. No messing with the tokens."
"Yes, yes, I know. Now, let's start the game."
Destiny ran his finger over the woman again and wrapped his fingers over her. "You interfered with my tokens. She's not there yet." He snapped his fingers, and a glowing blue shield appeared over the chessboard. He ran out, the female hypersoul's token still in hand, and Fate plucked two of the tokens he had pulled off the board before Destiny had conjured the force field. Both were male hypersouls, one with moonlight-colored wings, and the other with different shades of brown overlapping each other. The first had previously had a fawning expression on his face when the female was there, but a determined expression had replaced it. "Nothing a little jealousy can't fix," Fate mused. "But you, on the other hand, will do wonderfully." He grinned, and the figure wiggled as if it was uncomfortable.

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