Chapter 10- The Procession

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April/Princess Cypress

The man frowned. Disappointed. Searched for recognition in my features. But there was none. I only knew three things; 

My name was Princess Cypress of Cherubim.

I was the crown princess, the only Royalette besides my twin brother.

I was supposed to be dead.

I flicked my hair over my shoulder, and the array of judges came forward. 

"Princess," one of them said, bowing. "I wish to escort you to your castle."

I stepped closer, and he started shaking. "Please rise, so we may go."

He nodded, and the man from earlier came closer to me, and whispered in my ear. 

"Sye, I thought I'd lost you. Please say you'll take me back?"

I pulled away, astonished. How dare he? I was a princess, and not to be fooling around—with a soldier like him. 

"I don't know who that is. But I do know who I am. I am the Crown Princess, and nobody wants me without my permission." I snap. He bites his lip to try and hold something from escaping his mouth. 

But I'm already leaving him, following the parade of judges and noblemen. My gown is as soft as a duck's down, trailing behind me in an elegant pattern. 

The doors at the end of the 

Crowds gather, filled with whispers of "Who is she?" And "I heard she's a nobleman's daughter—no, maybe the princes' bride, she's to fancily dressed to be just anyone's—"

At that moment, I wished I could disappear. Attention. Too much of it. Something brushed against my arm. I looked up. 

The guard from earlier. He had a stony expression on his face, but locked his arm in mine. He leaned closer and whispered in my ear.

"You may not remember me Princess, but you will."

He smiled. I leaned back, and thanked him.

I grinned. We were going to be good friends. Maybe after I figured out who he was. The giant Trade Center loomed high over our heads, glittering in the sun. 

Trees stood magnificently, light pouring through the gaps in their leaves. Birds flitted around, landing on various shoulders, and then taking off. 

The doors to the trade center opened, and the procession was led down winding hallways and past doorways. They stopped at a large metal door. Grandiose markings and carvings were littered over it, surrounding the insignias of the kingdoms. 

The door shook, and opened to vast silence. Two well dressed nobles were grappling, clawing at each other. The rest of the Council watched. I cleared my throat and they stopped. Stared at me. Judgingly. I glared back and made my way past the paused fighters, to the center of the half moon table. 

They glared, their piercing eyes tearing apart my nearly decimated courage. But I swallow my pride. I wouldn't let myself become an all-deserving aristocrat, like them.

"I wish to have an audience with the Grand Council."

"And you shall have it!" A deep voice bellows. "Now, child, what should capture the attention of the Grand Council? Have you come to beg for a pony, little brat? No amount of whining will get you that—"

I wave my hand, silencing him. "I am no child, sir. I came to ask to join the Court of Wings."

Someone clasped their hand across their mouth in an attempt to stifle a laugh, resulting in a loud smack! Then they all started laughing. Roaring in laughter, they shout questions. 

"When you get your wings, come back!"

"Except she cannot!"

Only a few people remained calm. A man with blue tipped blond hair, and green eyes. A woman with black hair, and green eyes. Both had animalistic insignia necklaces. The only other person not making fun of me was. . .a boy with teal eyes, and brown hair. He—he looked just like Apollo.

"Apollo?" I squeaked. 

He looked up, and his eyes widened in shock. Rolling his shoulders slightly, he jumped out of his chair, causing it to crash on the floor. 

"Sye!" He yelled, running towards me. Soon he was next to me, arms wrapped around me. The rest of the Council quieted. 

"Who is she, Apollo?"

"My sister. My twin sister."

"Are you sure?" 


I smiled. It had been so long since I had seen my brother. He looked the same, except for a pair of reading glasses attached to a necklace around his neck. He grinned wildly, and slipped something cold and hard onto my right hand ring finger. I look down, only to see the ring I left behind  when I ran away.

Something settled over me, like a piece of my soul replaced. My wings stretched out from my back, stretching the skin and almost making me yelp in pain. Burning in my back of the skin healing itself almost made me growl and start scratching my back, but I hid my grimace within a forced smile.

"Thanks little brother."

He smiled, before spinning me around to face the gathered council. A few stood and had expressions of outrage present on their faces, others sat and quietly stared at me.

One, an elderly man, growled, "Princess, I suppose you remember all of your lessons, don't you?"

I hesitate, as I don't. I shake my head, and he leans against his head in a frustrated pattern. He looks up again.

"I suppose it'll be a while before you can take your brother's place then?"

"Yes—I apologize Sir, I can't recall your name."

"King Rubius. And then I suppose you should be put back into Winterfell Academy. Along with you shall be Mavis, and a few select guards to watch you as you may desperately need protection."

"As you said, King Rubius." I say, evermore anxious to prove my worth.

I turn around to face the crowds gathered behind me, my own entourage. I excuse them with a nod of my head and they disperse throughout the hall. I search them for the guard from earlier, the one who disrespected me. But he is nowhere to be found.

Someone reaches to grab my hand. I jerk it away, spinning around to face them. My outburst is stopped short by my brother's smiling face. He tugged me down another secluded hallway, and outside.  

A small white pumpkin carriage waited, a few eagle size birds that were bright white were perched on top of it. My brother steps closer to it, and opens a door for me. White cushions with orange embroidery are placed around the carriage, and he sits on one, entering after I did. I sat down, my gown taking up a lot of space, and it wasn't even all the way packed in. 


A/n: Another update because I had drafts I could finish really quickly. Thank you all for you support and stay safe!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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