Chapter 3-Sweet Melodic Memories

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I woke to a burning fire in my hip. The last thing I remember was Mavis pulling out a needle, and I was there in my black jeans and a bra, and then blackness. Nothing. 

Mavis's hands on my waist. I shake my head. No, he didn't touch me. Yes, he did. Ugh, this is so confusing! I just wish I could voice my feelings for him so this would all be over. Wait, did I just say that? I have feelings for him?

I rub my eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them. The blanket that was wrapped around my chest fell, revealing my bandages wrapped around my waist. Aww, he got me a blanket. Snoring erupted in my ear, and I turned quickly to see who. "Mavis?" I whisper, 

He was sitting in a chair, his dark hair tousled over his eyes, curled against the backrest. I pulled the blanket off myself and swung my legs over to the side. Placing my feet on the ground and putting pressure on them was the hardest part. 

I take one step closer to him, holding the blanket out in front of me. Something grabs my foot and I fall. Right. On top. Of Mavis. He opened his eyes and looked at me, a little shocked. I blushed. "Sorry. I was going to—."

"It's fine."

He grabbed my waist, gently feeling my wound. My cheeks reddened, and my neck felt warm. He looked up from my waist at me but continued prodding the wound. "Tell me if this hurts. I need to make sure that you didn't open your cut."

He continues, and I grimace only slightly when he presses from the side. He looks at the bandages, smiling. "You didn't rip the stitches again."

"That's good, right?"

"Yes, but you need to be careful. I'm going to see if I can find you a wheelchair until your cut heals."

I sigh and nod. "Fine. But you'll still teach me how to fight."

"I'll go get your wheelchair, Princess. And your training will begin when I get back. Just. . .get dressed first, okay?"

He got up, lifting me off his lap. He picked me up and set me on my bed, then grabbed a hanging shirt and tossed it to me. "Do you need help?"

I nod again and hand the shirt to him. Reaching up to make it easier for him to slide the shirt on, I watch his expression. It was neutral, but there was a hint of red in his cheeks. Everything turned black for a second, then I could see again. 

Mavis was gone, vanished, and I was alone. Well, I'm going to lay down and wait for him to come. A hand touches my shoulder, warm and comforting. I turn and look, recognizing the girl that was there the night I got cut. 

"Hi. . .Princess Cypress. I'm Lilith. Mavis asked me to keep you company. He'll be back in a little bit."

"Okay, Lilith."

"Do you want me to introduce the others? I'm sure they'd like to meet you."

I nod, and she leaves the room for a couple of minutes, then comes back with the two boys. One kept staring at me, the one that was jealous when I blabbed and told Mavis I thought he was cute. 

The other one wandered, moving his mouth but no sound came out. Lilith pointed to him. "That's Prometheus. And that's Dolion.  She pointed to the boy that was staring at me.

"Hi," I smiled weakly. "It's nice to meet you."

They nodded in unison, and someone knocked on the door. "Probably Mavis. You can come in!" I said to them, then whoever was on the other side of the door. 

Mavis peeked in the door, my guess right. "Guys, give her some space." 

He ushered them out and rolled in a wheelchair. Then he came to me, and picked me up by my armpits and deposited me in it. The cushions hurt, but I could deal with them. 

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