Chapter 1; Part 7

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A month had passed since you and Rick had met. And the two of you had been dating for a while. He was rather busy lately, and you couldn't help but wonder why. However, this meant you had more time to spend at your jobs. Wonderful, isn't it? You sighed as you were correcting the English tests in the teacher's room. You had gotten used to everyone there. However, you still missed Rick. Where is he?... - you thought to yourself as you went back to grading papers. Summer's test came under your hands. "She really needs to work more..."

You sighed and graded her test with a B+ for effort. Finishing up today's piece of work, you packed everything. You were about to leave the teacher's room, "Well, hello, Miss L/n." - it was Mr Goldenfold again, you really hated this guy, "Hello, Mr Goldenfold." - you spoke in an annoyed manner. He looked you up and down, he was drooling, literally. "Hmph." - you walked past him and ignored his staring, you were wearing a skirt, in the hope to get with Rick again today, but he was nowhere to be found. "I hate it when this happens... ugh"

You walked to your home, as you didn't take your ship today, something felt strange to you, especially now when you haven't seen Rick for a week now. You reached your home to see a figure you recognised. Rick? - you thought to yourself. What was he doing here? You decided to go the other way around and into the house. You shot a portal and appeared in your bedroom. Nothing out of the ordinary. However, you then heard a banging on your bedroom door. You slowly opened it to see Rick??? "Uhm... Hey Rick?" - you said nervously. He smirked. 

He seemed different for some reason. Before he could say anything, you gently traced your fingertips over his cut lip, "What happened to you?" - you showed your confusion, he seemed confused as well. He seemed tired, "Come in." - you took his hand smiling. However, he didn't follow. "Don't act like a dumbass Richard. Come in and lay down with me." - the way his eyes widened, he was very confused. You pulled down the blinds to your bedroom and he finally entered. You closed the door after him. This guy wasn't Rick, but he was. You chuckled softly.

"I had noticed you aren't my Rick, so mind telling me who you are?" - you looked at him with loving eyes, he tilted his head and grabbed your wrist. "Who are you? And what are you to C-173?" - you chuckled again, "My name is Y/n Cassanova L/n. I am Rick C-173's girlfriend." - he examined you, "I introduced myself, can you tell me who you are?" - he frowned as he looked at you, "I'm Rick from dimension D-362. You're going to come with me." - he said as he held your hand. You nodded and followed him through. 

~Evil Rick POV~

She's so strange... She's way too calm to be Y/n, or maybe, perhaps she is but doesn't remember... - he questioned as he looked at you. She's calm, she isn't struggling to get free. Why? - "You realize you're staring?" - She spoke so freely, showing such curiosity. - he blushed brightly as he watched you, you smiled, soft blush visible on your cheeks. "S-Stop staring! It's making me blush!" - you chuckled as he smirked at you, he led you to his main operating room. Morty awaited there, he was wearing an eyepatch. 

"Get out." - I said, Morty stared at Y/n, she showed that same curiosity towards Morty as she did at me. Morty couldn't help but tear up slightly, she herself smiled and held her hands open wide. Morty ran into her arms, I was stunned. "How have you been Morty?" - she asked him, he looked at her and smiled, "I've been better." - she gently patted his head, "Stay safe Morty." - she then looked over at me, maybe she wasn't so satisfied with Morty's answer. But I didn't give a damn. 

~Y/n POV~

I smiled at him, Morty seemed to have seen better days, had I not existed in this dimension? I sighed as Morty let go of me and left. I turned around to see Rick hold a gun against my forehead. It was against my senses to not panic. I calmly looked at him, "Do it." - was all I said, this threw him off, he looked at me, he couldn't do it. And I merely sighed, "I'll do it if you don't." - he sighed and took my hand in his. "I can't..." - he then shot open a portal. "Go home." - he said. 

I nodded and walked through the portal, but not before kissing D-362's cheek, "Stay safe Richard." - I finally walked through. Being in my house, I felt slightly sad. I remembered, he gave me that stone a long time ago. I held the stone in my hand tightly. I couldn't go back, he was probably a wanted criminal as well as me. Maybe this was why my Rick was ignoring me. I walked to my bedroom and began packing my things. I would leave first thing in the morning. I had to find out who I really was. "This sucks..." 

Meanwhile, Rick was in his garage, sitting, working. He had not left his garage ever since last week. He had been working on something important. Suddenly Morty opened the door to his garage. "Rick?" - he looked at his grandfather, "What is it, Morty?" - he snapped at him, "Y/n was here looking for you again..." - he said, Rick didn't react, "S-So?" - he burped as he spoke. His grandson didn't like seeing him like this, "She said she wanted to see you, she hoped you'd tell her why you were gone for a whole week." - he said. 

Rick sighed, he had been working on a theory about who Y/n really is. However, he couldn't really crack the code. She was a pure mystery to him. He couldn't figure her out. He had tried out the theory where she had once belonged into another dimension, but he had a hard time pinpointing where exactly she could have come from. "Leave me be Morty. I don't want to see her right now." - was all Rick said as he sent his grandson away. Rick was slowly losing his mind, Y/n, where had he heard that name, where had he seen such a person?

He wasn't sure. He couldn't understand. "Maybe she fucking didn't exist anywhere else?!" - he tried to explain this to himself. He then decided he'd go to the Citadel and that hopefully, he'd find his answers there. He opened a portal and made his way to the Citadel of Ricks. He had to figure out the truth. Who and what was Y/n. He made it to the council.

"Do any of you a-holes know of Y/n?" - he asked, he was slightly annoyed, but also interested, "What is a Y/n?" - they asked, Rick, sighed and explained who Y/n was, however, they still had never heard of a person like that. "Is this some kind of joke C-137?" - one of the council members asked, "Like I'd make up a person I wanted to know about." - he said and stared, they sighed and said how they had never heard of such a person, but that they seem interesting to them. What was so interesting about you? Well, your knowledge. Rick kept thinking and left the Citadel. He needed to know, but he didn't have a way to find out who you are. He had found nothing at all.

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