Jilly Putty

501 18 8

A/N- I'm really sorry for not updating, junior year has been very stressful.

Your POV

You are walking with Rory when you meet up with Ethan. Rory starts to look visibly anxious to find out how the meeting went. "Well? How'd the meeting go? Can I use my Mii as my yearbook photo?"  Ethan sighs, "Sorry, Rory. They shot us down. Maybe next year?"


You are currently on your way to pick up some files from the teacher's break room. Your science teacher had accidentally left them and asked you to pick them up. Stuck in your thoughts, you accidentally bump into someone. You look up and smile when you see it's Benny. 'He looks different,' you think.

"Sorry, Benny. I didn't see you there. You look different, I like it." He smirks and takes the toothpick from his mouth. Wrapping an arm around your shoulder, he tosses the toothpick, to god knows where. "Hey, babe. You don't look so bad yourself."

'Okay, he is definitely acting weird. Is he sick or something?' You chuckle nervously and thank him. Benny looks off into the distance, thinking. Suddenly, he looks back at you an leans in for a kiss. Completely startled, you slap him. "What the hell, Benny? You can't just kiss someone without asking permission!" You yell at him.

Then it hit you like a train, 'This isn't Benny.' You look up at him and see him holding the cheek you just hit. You back away slowly before turning and gunning for the front doors. You can hear him call your name a single time before you reach the outside and don't stop running until you reach Benny's house.

You sit down and wait as his grandmother gets you a glass of water. When Benny comes home we all go to the garden and she explains what is happening.

"Benny, in a year this town is gonna be filled to the roof with evil doubles. What were you thinking?" He rolls his eyes, "Obviously I wasn't." Suddenly, Ethan comes bolting around the corner, panting. "Hey Ethan. Grandma was just yelling at me for selling her camera."

He points frantically, still panting. "Benny, you have an evil twin too. He just trashed my phone and took off." Benny's grandma looks at him, bewildered, "Did you take a photo of yourself with my camera?"
He tries to defend himself, "Yeah, but just of my butt. And only for revenge."

"Here's the short version: there have been cultures in history that believe a photo can steal the soul. That camera can! Or, at least, it makes a negative copy of your soul. When the photo gets developed, out pops an evil you."

"Oh no.." Ethan starts, "Hannah Price wants to use that camera for the yearbook photos tomorrow."
Grandma turns to Benny, "Well, then you'd better get it back. And most importantly, destroy all the negatives that she has. That's the only way to get rid of the twins." Benny asks if we can all forgive him and receives three no's.


The next day

The group splits up to find the negatives: Benny and you look for evil Benny and Sarah and Ethan look for evil Hannah.

Benny walks into the bathroom after he sees his evil double go inside. He told you wait outside so he can deal with his mistake. Benny sounded like he was starting to struggle, so you run in to help him.

You kick evil Benny in the side, causing him to hit his head and get knocked unconscious. Benny then throws the photo in the toilet and flushes it. You look up at him with concern, "Are you okay?" He continues to stare at the floor during his reply, "I just flushed myself down the toilet. I'm gonna need some time.


After a couple of days you still couldn't really look Benny in the eyes without thinking about the almost-kiss you had with his evil twin. He finally gets fed up and comes up with a plan to get you to talk to him.

He has Ethan invite you over to his house and then locks you and Benny in his room. You start banging on the door, "Ethan you jerk! Let me out! What is wrong with you?!" You turn around at the sound of Benny softly calling your name.

"Hey, we need to talk." You continue to avoid his gaze. He gets irritated and grabs your cheeks, forcing you to look at him. "Why have you been avoiding me?" You laugh, nervously, "Avoiding you? Psh, I haven't been avoiding you." He scoffs, "Oh really? Then why won't you look me in the eyes?"

You sigh and decide to finally tell him about what his evil twin tried to do. He finally understands and reminds you that he would never do that to anyone, especially to you. This causes you to smile and you hug him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2022 ⏰

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