Chapter 1 : Where are they?

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*Hey it the writer here! I just wanted to say that this is my first story so it might not be good. But I just wanted to shoutout my bestie Izzy for giving me this idea of a murder mystery thing so enjoy! And yes some of the ideas are a mix of Death in Paradise and Vera (two UK tv crime programs which of recommend) ☺️*

A holiday to remember the five friends thought, they had been waiting for this for months and months and now they were on there way!
They had chosen Cornwall (UK) as it was the best place they thought to go for the beaches as you know some UK beaches aren't the best so this was like a dream for all of them.
Finally, they arrived looking at the two storey house, white bricks, covered in vines and flowers. The dream home the perfect place to be, it was perfect they all thought as they took in the surrounding area. Close to the beach, so close that they could hear the waves crashing on the sand and the children screaming with joy and happiness.
"It's so beautiful isn't it guys." Sara said.
"Yes it's just perfect, the way it looked in the photo on the website." Charlie replied.
Three days into the trip, Sara was missing. No one could find her.
"I saw her last night before I went to bed." Ellie said, breaking the silence between the group.
"I saw her this morning, before she went on her morning run." Sebastian added.
"Well I haven't seen her since I went to bathroom this morning." Diana said yawning.
At that moment, Charlie walked back in with a panicking tone in his voice "I went to her favourite café and she wasn't there, the gym, the pool, and the harbour and nothing."
"Why did you go to the harbour?" Sebastian questioned.
" Well she said before she went to sleep that she was going to go there and try and hire a boat out for us today." Charlie answered.
"Listen Charlie she's you're girlfriend, she will ring you or something you've got to trust her." Diana said trying to comfort him.
"You're right Ana, she will but just in case I may call the police just to report it."
"Okay." Ellie said.

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