I think I know who it is.

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After the had found out that there was a high level of alcohol in her body, Jane and Kieran were confused. The person they were so certain it could be, they had realised it wasn't, so they were stuck. "Why, why, why, is this case so hard? I mean why haven't we got a main suspect or anything?" Jane said tired and annoyed that the case wasn't going any further.
"I don't know, but we will find it out I mean I am so sure." Kieran said trying to motivate Jane.
"Well we can focus on trying to find the gun that killed Sara and then we can see if their are any fingerprints and go from there." Jane said.
"Okay that sounds like a good idea." Kieran said.

Both Jane and Kieran arrived at the house, and rung the bell. "Oh hello you two, how can I help you again?" Ellie asked, when she answered the door.
"We were wondering if we could search the property for a gun, that killed Sara." Jane said.
"Yes of course come in." Ellie said politely.
"Thank you, Ellie." Kieran said thanking Ellie.

After a hour searching the house and garden, they couldn't find anything. "Well this is great isn't it, we can't even find the weapon." Jane said giving up.
Then Kieran remembered, that he had stayed in this house when he was a teenager and that there was a secret place in the garden that is hard to spot. "Wait Jane, I think I know where it could be." Kieran said.
"Okay, well do you think you'll be able to find it ?" Jane asked.
"Yes give me a few minutes." Kieran answered.

A while later, Kieran came back holding the gun. "Here we go Jane." Kieran said.
"What, you found it. Oh my god Kieran thank you!" Jane said thankfully.
"Okay well let's get this back to the station and try and get some fingerprints off of it." Kieran said.

Back the the police station, Kieran was dusting the gun for prints and trying to find something. While Jane was checking the other peoples files, trying to find something that could help the case.
"Jane, I got something." Kieran said.
"Really? Okay what could it be?" Jane asked.
"I got someone's fingerprints and it's someone who is part of the group." Kieran answered.
"Okay great!" Jane said.
"Okay so let's get going." Kieran said.
"Wait.... I think I know who it is." Jane said.

It was just an accident...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon