So was there a relationship between you two?

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*I forgot to mention that Sara and Diana are sisters*

When both of them arrived back at the police station, they were wondering if it was Ellie as she could have done as she didn't have an alibi and she did have a motive. Then Jane remembered what happened when they first entered, she was going to say sweetie or sweetheart. Then she also remembered that Sara was dating Charlie so maybe Ellie wanted to get Sara out of the picture. "Hey Kieran, I want to talk to Diana Cole. To see if she might know anything." Jane said.
"Okay that's sounds cool." Kieran said.
Diana was sitting on the beach, saying into the distance, "I'm so sorry this wasn't supposed to happen."
"Diana, hi it's us two again." Jane said making her presence known.
"Oh hi, how can I help you guys?" Ellie said jumping as she didn't realise there was anyone there.
"Well we were wondering if there could be anyone that could want to hurt your sister?" Kieran said questioning her.
"Well, I don't think so but there was something between her and Charlie an argument that I heard something about him not loving her and caring her the way she used to. And something I think about him cheating on her." Diana said.
"Well do you think there could be anyone?" Jane asked.
"Not anyone I know, well I don't think so." Diana said.
"Okay, thank you I think that's it." Jane said thanking her and walking away.
"So do you want to go and talk to Ellie about it?" Kieran asked.
"Yes I think I do, let's do it now." Jane said.
Arriving at the house they rung the bell, and Sebastian answered it, "Hello, who do you want to speak to?" He asked.
"We would like to speak to Ellie Morris please." Jane said politely.
"Ok she's in her room, second door on the right." Sebastian said directing them.
"Ok great, thank you." Jane said thanking him.
Walking up to there room, they could hear pacing from Ellie's room, they knocked on her door and she opened it saying, "Oh hello, how can I help you?"
"We would just like a word." Jane said.
"Okay, come in."
They walked in a took a seat at her dressing table, "So we were wondering if there is anything going on between you and Charlie?" Jane said getting straight to the point.
"Well we're just friends." Ellie said with confidence.
"Was that really it?" Jane said pushing her more.
"...." Ellie stayed silent.
"So was there a relationship between you two?" Jane asked.

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