Well there you go

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*This chapter contains an idea that is based of Death in Paradise so the idea of it goes to them*

On the way to the house, Jane and Kieran chatted on the car , "So do you know the person who did it?" Kieran asked.
"When did I say that it was just one person, Kieran?" Jane answered.
"What?! It's more the than one? Well tell me who then." Kieran said shocked.
"Okay..." Jane said.
And she told him, and let's say he was very shocked when he found out who it was.

When they had entered the house, the group sat at the dining table with Jane and Kieran looking at them.
Jane then cleared her throat, and started taking, "So when we first came across this case, it sounded pretty easy. I mean the one person we thought it was, turned out to be very innocent so it's not them" Jane them looked at Ellie and then Ellie gave her a nod "so when we found that out we didn't know who could it be?"
The group, except Ellie, were looking nervous and worried about who it was going to be. "And then we found the gun and with the help of a few things and of my brain. I have managed to solve the case." Jane stated.
"Well then who is it?" Sebastian asked.
"Well Sebastian, it was Diana and Charlie." Jane answered .
"What?!" Both Diana and Charlie said at the same time.
"Well Detective, why would I kill my girlfriend?" Charlie questioned.
"And why would you think that I would kill my sister?" Diana asked.
"Well Diana, you didn't technically kill Sara but you did help Charlie commit the crime knowing what was going to happen to her." Jane answered.
"And you Charlie, you wanted to kill Sara as she had a lot of money and also you had fallen in love with Diana." Jane said.
"What? Charlie why?" Ellie questioned.
"Because Ellie, she is beautiful and an amazing person and well we had both fallen in love with each other." Charlie answered.
"Ana, is this true, you fell in love with Charlie?" Ellie asked heart broken.
"Yes." Diana said quietly.
"But Detective, why do you think it was us?" Charlie asked.
"Well you see Charlie, Kieran here had stayed at this house as a teenager and knew a hiding spot. And there was the gun with your fingerprints all over it." Jane said.
"Oh..." Charlie muttered.
"But... how did they do it?" Sebastian asked interested.
"Well, the night before you all though Sara had gone missing, was the night she was actually killed. You see we worked this out as there was a high level of alcohol in her bloodstream which was a bit confusing as we thought she disappeared during the morning. That was the night that Charlie killed Sara shooting her three times. But you'll all wondering how does Diana fit into this but this is what she did, that morning she dressed up as Sara making sure people saw her. Meaning that we all thought that it was that morning, so that is how they done it. And if we hadn't found the gun and a few other pieces of evidence on the way, then you two would have probably got away with it." Jane said, finishing the explanation.
"Wow..." Ellie muttered under her breath.
"But now Kieran would you like to do one of them and I'll do the other." Jane said.
"Okay. Charlie Roberts you are under arrest for the murder of Sara May." Kieran said, putting handcuffs around Charlie's wrists. (Hey so I don't know what police say when they arrest someone so sorry for any mistakes)
"And Diana May, you are under arrest for being an accessory in the murder of Sara May." Jane said, also putting handcuffs on Diana's wrists.
They then led the two of them out to the car in silence, leaving Sebastian and Ellie shocked about what they have just seen.

A few hours later, Jane and Kieran were locking up the station, "At least we got that case sorted eh." Jane said, tugging at the door handle making sure it was locked.
"Yes, I'm quite happy it's over now. But I still can't believe her own sister killed her." Kieran replied.
"Right. Well that's what some people do, I suppose." Jane said.
"Yeah." Kieran said.
"Anyway, have a goodnight and I'll see you later." Jane said waving goodbye to her college.
"Bye! Have a nice night!" Kieran said.
"You too." Jane replied.
Jane then got in her car and drove of.
"Well there you go." Kieran said, walking to his car to go home.

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