"Well maybe it's not what we thought it could be."

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*hey so sorry for being inactive I've just haven't been that motivated but I'm back*
"A what?" Ellie said with a surprised tone.
"A relationship with Charlie." Jane repeated.
"No, no! Why did you think that?" Ellie said angrily.
"Well when we first met you, you were going to say either sweetie or sweetheart to someone." Kieran said.
"Yes I was going to say that but not to Charlie." Ellie said.
"Well, then who else were you going to say that to?" Jane questioned.
"Diana." Ellie admitted.
"Diana? Wait so it was aimed at Diana and not Charlie?" Jane asked with a suspended tone in her voice.
"Yes, okay. We have been together for just over a month and we haven't told anyone because... well let's say that some of our friends don't agree with it." Ellie said tiredly.
"Well if you don't mind us asking, who didn't agree with it?" Kieran questioned.
"Sara." Ellie said.
"Well, would you kill her so you and Diana could be together?" Jane asked.
"No, as we were going to tell her at the end of this trip, and if she didn't support us we were going to leave." Ellie said.
"Okay, well thank you for your time Ellie." Jane said walking out of the room with Kieran following her.

Back at the police station, Jane and Kieran still didn't know who did it. "Well we know that it couldn't have been Ellie or Diana as they were going to tell her at the end of the trip about them being together." Jane said with a hint of annoyance in her voice.
"What's the matter Jane?" Kieran asked.
"Well I really thought we got something, and it turns out it was nothing. Like could it had been anyone and not them four." Jan admitted.
"Bing!" The computer went off. Kieran went to go and look to see what it was, "Hey, Jane I got the results back from Sara's body and it says that she had a high level of alcohol in her blood and she was shot three times with a pistol." Kieran said.
"Wait, didn't she disappear during the morning ?" Jane asked.
"Yes, that's what they said." Kieran said.
"Well than why is there so much alcohol in her bloodstream that early on in the money?" Jane asked again.
"I don't know." Kieran said.
"Well maybe it's not what we thought it could be." Jane said.

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